My husband and I in December 2007. We had just seen Blue Man Group for free by being ushers.
My girls and I on Mother's Day.
Basics1. What is your age and physical description? I am 26, 5' 10", brown hair and brown eyes. (I've secretly always been jealous of blue-eyed people)
2. Where were you born and where are you now? I was born in Naperville, IL and now I live in a little town near Seattle, WA and we're moving to Provo this summer for my hubby to get his MBA.
3. What do you do for a living? I am a mother! :) I taught 2nd grade for a year and plan to go back to doing that once my kiddos are in school. I would like to start a "learning to read" class from home one of these days, I just need to get the gumption to go for it and do it.
4. What is your favorite and least favorite color? Favorite: blue, Least favorite: ? I like most colors.
5. Did you go to college and get a degree, If so, where & what? I went to BYU (Go Cougars!) and got my BS in Elementary Education.
6. How many children do you have? How old are they? I have two beautiful little girls. Megan is 2 1/2 and Emily is 7 months.
7. What’s your favorite and least favorite food? Favorite: apples, spaghetti, most fresh fruit, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, and Chipotle burritos. Least favorite: tomatoes (I like them cooked, but not raw), brussell sprouts, and olives
8. Are you right or left handed? right
9. Do you play any instruments? I wish. I took piano for a long time and never practiced and so I can't play well at all. Someday I'm going to buy a piano and take lessons again! I like to sing though.
10. What are your hobbies? I love to read, play board games (the German ones), go on hikes, go on bike rides, dance (I can't dance well, but I like to do it), and take naps (when I that a hobby?)
Make You Think...11. What did you want to be when you grew up? A mom, a teacher, or an actress/model
12. What is your biggest fear? I am constantly worrying about something happening to my husband or my children....or me. As shallow as it sounds, I often worry that I'll die and then my husband will get remarried (which I would want him to) but then my kids will forget me and love their new mom better. Good thing I have the gospel and know that everything will work out like its supposed to no matter what happens...and I'll be happy no matter what. That doesn't stop me from worrying though....
13. Who has touched your life and influenced you the most and why? Probably my firstborn daughter. My life completely changed when she was born and I have grown so much since then. Plus she's constantly teaching me new things every day. Being a mom really taught me how much Heavenly Father loves His children and how much I need to rely on Him and trust in Him.
14. If you could accomplish just one thing with your life, what would that be and why? To teach my children how to obtain their own testimonies and to build and strengthen that testimony every day of their lives. I would love to have my whole family in the temple together someday.
15. What is your worst habit and if you could quit it, would you? My worst habit is probably my love for sleep. It tends to make me lazy during naptimes... I probably should quit. I'm currently working on it.
16. Who would play you in the movie of your life? Who would play your husband? I know its been said before by other people, but I think Sandra Bullock would play me pretty well. I feel like I can relate to certain characters she's played and I've been told before that I look like her. I just asked my husband who would play him and he said, "Based on looks alone: Brad Pitt. Just kidding...I would probably be played by Screech." So..there you have it.
17. What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life and why? This is the question that I was most excited for b/c I constantly think about stuff like this. (I'm sort of crazy about music...) I actually made a soundtrack of my life in college b/c I thought it would be fun. So, sorry, but I'm actually listing a bunch of songs. :)
"Baby Mine" from Dumbo b/c its my daughter's song, "Snuggle Puppy" by Sandra Boynton b/c its my other daughter's song, the Jem theme song b/c I wanted to be Jem when I grew up, the Book Report on Peter Rabbit song from "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" to represent my school days, "Have You Ever?" by Brandy to represent my emotional/drama-filled teenage years, any Backstreet Boys song b/c I was obsessed, "You're the Inspiration" by Chicago b/c my husband sang that to me when he proposed, "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge b/c I love it, "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds b/c I danced with my husband to that song for our wedding reception, "Always" by Atlantic Starr b/c I'm cheesey and want my life to be like that, any High School Musical song b/c I love them all (yes, I'm 16 at heart), "Stacy's Mom" b/c it reminds me of college, "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw, and "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" from the EFY cd. There would be more...but I should stop.
18. If you could meet any one person in history, who would it be, and why? I would really like to meet Joseph Smith (and Emma) and George Washington (and Martha). I also just re-watched The Testaments recently and I think it would be pretty awesome to be in the Americas when Jesus came and to meet him and hear his teachings in that context. I would prefer that over Jerusalem I think.
19. If you lost everything you have tomorrow, what three things would you save and why? My journal with my memories of Megan and Emily (the cute things they've said and whatnot) b/c otherwise I know I would forget those little things; Megan's blanket (she cannot sleep without it); my laptop (it has all my pictures on it)
20. What is your favorite quote and why?
In General: "Don't worry, be happy."
Churchy: "It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers." President Hinckley
Motherhood-wise: "Cleaning and scrubbing can wait for tomorrow, For babies grow up, I've learned to my sorrow. So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust, go to sleep. I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep." --Author Unknown
From the Twilight series ;) : "Could a dead, frozen heart break? It felt like mine would." .... "Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt like mine was about to." -- Midnight Sun and "'Oh, and also, I'm wretchedly in love with you.' Keep it light." -- Midnight Sun
From a Movie: "I don't even own
a gun, let alone many guns which would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do with at gun rack?" "You don't like it? Fine. You know Wayne, if you're not careful, one of these days you're gonna lose me." "I already did lose you...two months ago. We broke up. Are you mental? Get the net!" --Wayne's World
Just For Fun21. Do you sleep with the closet door open or closed? Open. My husband actually took the doors off b/c they were the sliding ones and they drove him nuts.
22. What is your biggest pet peeve? When people smoke around children. It makes me so sad for their young, impressionable lungs.
23. Where are the top three places you'd like to travel to? Cancun, Chile, and Hawaii
24. Do you ever dance for no reason even though there’s no music playing? ALWAYS. There is always a song in my head and I'm always dancing to it. :)
25. What size is your bed? King. My husband and I cannot sleep on a queen b/c we cannot touch each other while sleeping. We discovered that right away after we got married. :)
26. What do you drink with dinner? Water, but my husband drinks milk. It's pretty funny.
27. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? 13 Going on 30, Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, all of the High School Musicals, Hairspray, Newsies, most Pixar movies... (once again...I think I'm 16 at heart...)
28. What was the first concert you went to? I think Anita Baker or Yanni, randomly enough (my dad got free concert tickets through his work). Favorite concert: Tim McGraw (or maybe the Backstreet Boys... ;) )
29. What is on your perfect pizza? Its a Papa Murphy's stuffed pizza with Canadian bacon, pepperoni, pineapple, and mushrooms with green peppers and roma tomatoes on top. It is the best. pizza. ever.
30. What's the most exotic place you've traveled to?I have never been anywhere exotic. But one of my favorite trips was to Havasu falls in Arizona. It was beautiful!