Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday Weekly

What's on your Christmas wish list?


The Stump Clan said...

Rugs for our living room, a laptop, a new, larger purse that will hold my coupon binder and my basement finished.

I am really only holding out hope for the purse!! ha ha-

Kage said...

grapefruit essential oils from kiehls
a working left foot.

Claire said...

Oh gosh... I don't even know! This is seriously the first Christmas where there is NOTHING I really need or want. More than anything, I would love for our baby girl to come before the end of December. Can Santa make that happen?

Linz said...

I would like some shoes and maybe some non-maternity clothes.

Lynsey said...

I want a sleep number bed! But that will be our tax return gift. My hubby has been out of work for a while, so we will just do Christmas for our kiddo.

Chantel said...

I really would like a new camera and a cookbook holder. I am tired on my cookbook getting covered in ingredients.

kristi said...

I'm with Molly, I want new rugs for my house. Lamps, a new bed, decorations for my kids rooms, a bathroom remodel, 6 panel doors and carpet. I am not holding my breath for any of it :) Most importantly I want for my dad to find a job.

The Schacher Family said...

I can't think of anything I really want. I got a Wii for my birthday which is what I wanted for Christmas. I NEED clothes but that is not a want that is just a fact. lol. I like Molly and Kristi's idea of rugs for the living room but my hubby said not for a few months. Were forgoing Chritmas gifts since we got the Wii and just getting the kids stuff and helping out a local family in need. Which really is the best Christmas gift ever! Being able to help someone else out!

Stephanie said...

a portable DVD player, which is ironicallly totally for the tot and not me, but will consequently make my life easier on long car trips!!!