Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Resolutions

The New Year is almost here and with that comes one of my most favourite traditions- setting new goals. I tried something new last year that did not work out well at all. My hope was to set one goal a month in each of three areas and work on those three goals throughout the month. The three categories- be faithful, lay up in store and unecumber my life, were taken from this talk. I found out I was pregnant shortly into the year and while I can't blame my lack of goal setting and accomplishing on pregnancy, it certainly didn't help. I really like the idea though and I am hoping to put it back into action again this year with more success. 

Do you set New Years resolutions? Have you got any in mind for this year? What helps you stick to your goals?


The Stump Clan said...

My in-laws and I are doing a family Biggest Loser challenge, and we all put in a little money and the winner gets the money. The money adds quite a bit of motivation for me, so I am planning on losing weight and getting healthier.

Also, get closer to being out of debt and really increase my families food storage through my couponing.

Stephanie said...

I haven't officially sat down to think about it. A few always remain the same, because I can always do better at them; improving my scriptures study, making it to the temple more often, etc. A couple I know that will be specific to 2010 is working to build up our savings account (after some rough things that happened this year), and de-junking our house to make room for a new baby, in a house that's really designed for 3 or less people! :)