Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wednesday Weekly

How old are you in your first memory?


Stephanie said...

I don't feel like I can really remember anything before the age of 5 or 6.

Linz said...

Age 3

Bethany said...

5 or 6. My Mom amazes me, she remembers things from when she was just 1 and 2 years old. I know that's a gift because her father died when she was just 3.

The Schacher Family said...

2. sometimes I think I remember when I was 1 but I think it is just from hearing the stories about when I was 1 and I have painted a vivid picture in my head of those stories.

Claire said...

2 or 3... its a very vivid memory, I just can't remember my exact age.

Liz said...

5. I think I remember stuff from before but I think it's just hearing stories over and over.

Unknown said...

I think I was 3.

Joni said...

I have memories of my broken leg when I was 3.

And my word verification word is underoo. I think that's cool.