Wednesday, February 3, 2010

For Those of You Who Love Writing

Hello, it's Lisa! Most of you probably don't even know who I am, it's been so long since I checked up on this cute little blog. I'm sorry! I really haven't done much blogging at all lately, ever since the arrival of child #2 and our move across the country from Florida to Arizona last summer. My husband is now at his first job as a dentist and I am getting used to dealing with his long work hours, living in a new place, meeting new people and picking up new interests, along with the inevitably hard-going adjustment to being a mother of two. Phew! Sometimes I wonder how my head has stayed on straight.

Anyway, one thing I wanted to share with you ladies is a writing group I recently joined. Since you all like blogging, I thought maybe that meant some of you enjoy writing as well. This group, called ANWA (American Night Writers Association) is exclusively for Latter-day Saint women who enjoy writing.

There is a whole spectrum of ANWA members, from those who want to write and publish novels or childrens' books, to poets or editors, to those who just like writing in their journals (or blogs!). Authors like Stephenie Meyer and Aprilynne Pike used to be in this group, as well as others who are still in it like Janette Rallison. ANWA is an excellent forum to just learn more about writing and get motivated to work on and share your own writing talents.

The way it works is you join a chapter that is in your area--or online if there is no chapter near enough to you--and you meet with that chapter (in real life or via chat room) once a month. You also get a monthly newsletter, opportunities to attend annual conferences, and access to their yahoo! groups emails, which contain a lot of fun and interesting information. For more information, visit their website at It does cost $20 a year to join.

Writing has always been something I enjoy but tend to put on the back-burner, and since joining this organization I have been really inspired to start writing more. I have even begun to write my first novel, something I never thought I'd have the guts or work ethic to do. :) Talking to other sisters who write novels on a regular basis has made me realize how much of a reality it truly can be. Hooray for ANWA! Just one more delicious topping on the blessings cake of being a member of our church!

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