Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday Weekly

Do you have a name for your car? If so, what is it?


Claire said...

The Claire-mobile. It even has a theme song... ever seen the movie Gnome Mobile? It sounds a lot like the song from that movie :D

Kasun said...

i named my volkswagen chelsea. i have no idea where that name came from

Linz said...

I have no name right now, but in high school I drove a station wagon named "ruby".

stacibee said...

White Wonder

Jocelyn Christensen said...

My car used to be called Wolfie, but we had to sell him to get our minivan. My family has also had alot of crazy car "White Boy", Banicula, and Gremhog

Liz said...

my old car used to be "lady". my current one doesn't have a name