Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday Weekly

Does thunder scare you, even a little bit?


The Stump Clan said...

If it is SUPER loud and I am outside in it, then yes. But usually I actully kind of like it!

The Stump Clan said...

oops, actually.

Stephanie said...

maybe a tiny bit, but I love thunder storms!

Lynsey said...

Not at all. When I was a kid my dad used to wake me up during thunder storms just to watch the storm so that I wouldn't be scared of it. I plan to do the same thing with my kids.

Linz said...

Not so much, but one time lightning crashed like right outside our apartment building when we were sleeping and I have never been so startled by a noise in my entire life. My husband had to hold me down because I woke up and started to run.

Bethany said...

I too love thunderstorms, we've been having the off and on for the past few days, hence the question. The only time thunder scares me is in the middle of the night when it wakes me up, usually because I have NO idea where the noise came from. Like last night I had dreamed that two giant paint cans were falling (or something big and round like that) and that's what made the loud crash, then I woke up and realized what it was.

I've taught my sons not to be afraid of thunder. I was super scared of it when I was little.

Claire said...

I LOVE thunder. Lightening is what can be scary to me, if its really close. I'm excited for monsoon season so Cecelia and I can enjoy a good thunder storm or two.

Liz said...

i love it unless it's dangerously close!

kristi said...

As long as a tornado is not near by then storms don't scare me.