Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Biggest Loser: Final Weigh In

AHHH!! I can't believe I forgot to post the final weigh in!! My brother in law is getting married on Friday so I am crazy busy putting together the guest book, getting music ready and making the wedding cake. And yesterday his fiance went through the temple... its been a busy, busy week.
So! How did everyone do? Use the comment section to post your success stories! I want to hear how you did, what you learned, what works for you, what doesn't... tell it all! I don't know about everyone else, but I'm certainly looking forward to reading your stories!


Stephanie said...

I ended up losing an extra pound! (Goal:5/Lost:6). What made the difference for me was exercise and being more aware of my eating habits. I didn't deprive myself of good food (that does NOT work for me.) But if I was baking cookies, and knew I'd be eating dough and cookies, I was careful the rest of the day. I only snacked if I was hungry, and I cut out any snacks after dinner, etc.

Exercise is what I personally feel makes the biggest difference. This is probably the most consistently I have been exercising since high school. If you have a hard time getting motivated, I suggest finding something you can enjoy-even walking and gabbing with a girlfriend in the evenings. Now that it is part of my daily routine, I hate days where I have to miss it! I just feel so much better when I exercise.

Sorry for the book! The challenge was a great idea. It helped to be accountable to someone, and have to report the results!

Julianne said...

Okay, I lost a total of 16 lbs!! My goal was 12, but like I said last week I'd like to lose ten more. I'm finally below my pre-pregnancy weight from baby #4, but 10 more pounds will be perfect! I went shopping today and it was very exciting to shop in a size smaller!

Anyways--the main thing that worked was not eating after 8 p.m. I think I did a lot of mindless snacking then because the kids were in bed. As I've also said before I joined Weight Watchers and that helped put some of the things into perspective! Some of the junk food just isn't worth it!!

Well, congrats to everyone for a job well done. I really think this helped motivate me. Like Stephanie said, I knew I had to come report to y'all each week. So, THANKS!!

Claire said...

I've hit a plateau, but I still have another 3-4 pounds I'd like to lose. I lost somewhere around 8 lbs (I've forgotten what I started at... isn't that horrible!)

I loved having people to report to. I can seriously think of a dozen or more times when I would go to the kitchen to grab a {junk food} snack and think to myself "I would sure hate to report a gain" and I would rethink my snacking. Thanks girls!!

I feel a million times better about myself these days. I'm currently wearing the same size or even a size smaller than when I got pregnant!! Woohoo! Granted, I still have the post baby gut, and my thighs are a little on the larger size, but that can be fixed, and I plan on fixing it as I prepare to run a half marathon in January with my hubby.