Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wednesday Weekly

1. Three things you're great at:

2. Three things you're not so great at:


The Stump Clan said...

1. Loving my family, having fun, and spelling!

2. Organization, patience, and eating healthy when I should!

The Schacher Family said...

reading,creating lesson plans for work, organizing

patience, frustration, and keeping up on the laundry

Liz said...

being a speech therapist, making crafty things, reading

exercise, eating healthy, patience!

Linz said...

running, teaching kids, being productive

parallel parking, bowling, being on time

katie said...

cooking, sewing, sports

singing, studying, talking quietly

Stephanie said...

lol-sorry, but I'm laughing at Katie's talking quietly!

loving my daughter, baking (and eating) sweets, planning

coping when things don't go according to my plan, singing/anything musical, not caring what other people think

Lindsey said...

organizing, being productive, flexibility (in a physical way, not as in flexible when plans change, because I am definitely not!)

cooking, dealing with anything medical, and trying new foods (I'm so picky)

kristi said...

singing, eating, having babies

patience, being on time, getting to bed at a decent time