Saturday, January 3, 2009

Going back to school.

Well many of you will remember last semester when I posted about whether or not to take online classes. Well I did end up taking them and it was really hard since I had a baby in the middle of the semester. I passed but not with a high grade. Well I am crazy and once again I am taking classes. I only have 5 classes left until I am done with my associates degree. I am taking 3 this semester. Two of the classes that I am taking I am actually going to class for and my kids are going to the daycare at UVU that I used to work at. My daughter is only 3 months and I am really worried about taking her there.

Well my question for all of you today is about whether or not I should pump breast milk for her, for while she is at the daycare or to just give her formula. She has had formula many times and takes it just fine. Do you think that giving her formula is fine? Do you think pumping is a better alternative? How do I pump enough for her for while I am gone, if I do choose to pump?

Also I am worried about her wanting to stop nursing. Do you think giving her 1-2 bottles tuesday and thursday evenings while I am gone, might make her want to stop nursing all together? This is hard for me because I couldn't nurse my first baby and she is such a good nurser. I don't want to ruin that! Any thoughts and ideas would be appreciated. THANKS


highdeekay said...

I don't know whether it will make her quit nursing (although I doubt it) but I do have lots of pumping experience. My little one refused to nurse and so I pumped for eleven months and gave her breast milk through a bottle. It was hard (especially at first) but totally worth it. If you decide to pump and have questions, let me know, I'd be glad to pass along the tricks of the trade. :)

Linz said...

I would experiment here and there and see how it goes. My baby still nurses even though I occasionally forumla feed her. If the pumping makes you even more exhausted, it may not be worth it. Look out for yourself as well as your baby so that you can be a happy Mom.

Stephanie said...

Great questions. I had to pump two nights a week while I worked, and my daughter had to take bottles of breastmilk while I was gone. Personally, I think you should give it a try if you have a decent breast pump, because breastmilk is great for her, and it's free! If you don't have a good pump, that could be a problem. The cheaper ones are fine for once in awhile, but not really intended for regular use, and could hurt your milk suppy. If you use a good pump, your milk supply should stay the same. When you pump, your body treats it the same as if the baby were eating, and continues to produce more milk. As for building up a supply of may have to give her a few bottles of formula at first, but eventually it should work out, because you will need to pump sometime while you're at school, since you're not nursing the baby. Then, store the milk in coolers, and that will be her food the next time she's at daycare! I also would sometimes pump on one side in the morning, when I was really full, if she only ate on one side. Hopefully you can find a place to pump while you are at school, I can see that being a pain. Good luck! If you have any other questions, let me know. I had to do this for quite a while!

The Schacher Family said...

Did you pump at work steph? I won't have time to pump at school. I only have like a 15 min break between classes. I guess I could try to pump during that time. Maybe I will try it out and see how it goes. If I don't pump during that time do you think I will start to loose my milk supply? I should pump in the morning. That is a good idea because she usually only eats one side. will start that tomorrow and see how it goes.

highdeekay said...

As long as you are consistent (everyday) you won't lose your milk supply if you don't pump while you are at school. I got to where I was only pumping twice a day and had enough milk for all of my daughter's feedings plus a bunch in the freezer. The key is to be consistent from day to day.

I-Village has a great discussion board about pumping. You can get some really good advice from other moms in a similar situation.

Stephanie said...

I did pump at work, but I'm there for 12 hours. How long are you at school? Hopefully you can either feed her or pump right before you leave, and as soon as you get back. Bamamoma's advice sounds good to me!

My opinion is that any milk you can give your daughter is great, even if it only ends up being a few feedings a day. You don't have to give it up altogether, even if you supplement with formula. Don't beat yourself up or stress about it!

The Schacher Family said...

well it will be 4-5 hours. I think I am going to try pumping and if it is to much I can switch. Thanks for the advice and support!