Monday, May 4, 2009

Getting Money-Saving May rolling...

In the past 6 months, what has something you have given up in an effort to spend less?


The Stump Clan said...

We gave up cable about 6 months ago. We have been fine with it- any shows we REALLY want to watch we watch on the internet a few days later!

Linz said...

We did too. No regrets for sure. Pretty much have given up all eating out as well.

Stephanie said...

Stupid extra things at the store, that weren't on my list. I used to not be able to step in Wal-mart without dropping like $80! Now it really helps to keep the perspective of "What would be the point of using this 50 cent coupon on this other item, if I buy this $5 item I don't really need? I am spending so much less on my shopping these days!

Liz said...

the extra "stuff" like Stephanie said
eating out
but honestly, we had to move in with my parents when my husband lost his job last fall, right when the economy went completely belly up, so really my parents are the ones who've saved us!

Lindsey said...

I don't know if it counts as "giving up," but we just refinanced our house, and it will lower our mortgage by a lot! Interest rates are awesome right now.

Tiffany said...

My husband is quite a thrifty man (if any of you remember reading his post last May on saving money) and I know that he hates eating out b/c of how much it costs, so my Christmas present to him this year was that I wouldn't ask him to take me out and I thought it would be SO HARD, but it hasn't. Its nice to know that the money I would've spent on an overpriced dinner is going towards something more important. I have been all about those free meals though (the Denny's free breakfast in February and the free KFC meal Oprah mentioned this week). :)

We also don't have cable and don't miss it and we do pre-paid cell phones and mostly use our home phone (which is VOIP and SUPER cheap) which has cut WAY back on our phone bills.

We have two cars (junky cars) and luckily we live close enough to my husband's work that he can bike to work in the summer, so we take one of our cars off of insurance for the summer, which saves us quite a bit. Also, to save gas we try to get all of our errands run at once if possible and walk places when its sunny. And we've tried to have cheap hobbies.

What I really need to work on is buying stuff for my daughter. I mean, I usually only get her stuff from craigslist or a thrift store anyway, but she has way too much stuff as is, I don't need to get her more. Its just so much easier for me to justify getting her something we don't need than getting me something we don't need. I need to work on that. :)