Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday Weekly

What are three things you are afraid of?


The Stump Clan said...

Something happening to my kids, deep, open water, and snakes!

kristi said...

Someone(adult or child) hurting my kids, poison spiders, dying and leaving my kids and husband alone. How depressing!!!!!

Claire said...

Something horrible happening to someone I love, sewers, and right there with Molly- deep water. It terrifies me.

Stephanie said...

Something happening to my husband or child, bats, and I agree with the deep open water too!

Linz said...

kidnappers, rodents, roaches

The Schacher Family said...

hmmm...I am definitly having an emotional pregnancy day.

1. Having my second baby (coming in Oct.)
2. Failing the classes I shouldn't have started this semester.
3. Something happening to my son or the baby that's on it's way.

At this moment I could list 1,000

Liz said...

something happening to my family, things in the dark-shadows, corners, deep water, anywhere something can lurk and I can't detect it, rodents

Aubreydoll said...

Again, something happening to the people I love, falling from a significant height, and loose dogs that run after me while on a walk or bike ride with my son!

Bethany said...

drowning, someone breaking in the house when I'm alone and losing my family (but I'm not too afraid of that thanks to the knowledge that families are forever but it would be hard to live without them for a time)

Natalie said...

1) Getting diagnosed with a disease and suffering
2) Losing my husband
3) Not being able to have more children.