Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sunday Newspaper

For those of you that are also into the couponing, I was curious how you get the Sunday newspaper. I haven't been able to locate any specials in our area, for just the Sunday paper. In fact, it's actually quite a bit more expensive to have it delivered to my house. However, I don't like to have to break the Sabbath by buying a paper every week either. I've been trying to find a box at a gas station or somewhere, that we can just get one outside. I was wondering what the rest of you do though. Do you have it delivered to your house?


The Stump Clan said...

Really?? I think Katie gets the LSJ delivered just on Sundays and it is super cheap. Check with her- I have always heard that it was such a better deal. My sis in law- calls her drugstore and always has them save 2 for her and she stops in Monday mornings to get them.

katie said...

I don't get the LSJ, I get the Livingston something. It's $3 for a month of Sunday papers. But for some reason we are receiving a paper everyday...

Bethany said...

I'm down in Texas so it may be different, but our grocery stores keep the Sunday paper in stock all week long. Kroger, Wal-mart, CVS, Walgreens, they all have it all week around here.

Linz said...

I get it delivered. Somedays they have early editions of the Sunday newspaper that you can buy Saturday night at stores.

Unknown said...

My friend said she gets hers at the Dollar Tree store on Saturday night, but she has to check and make sure the coupons haven't been swiped. :)