Tuesday, October 13, 2009

#2---Potty Training Help Needed

I apoligize if this has already been talked about--I tried to look through lots of previous posts and see.

I am due in about 3 weeks to have #2. We've been working really hard with our nearly 3 year old to potty train. He will go #1 very easily, but he refuses to go #2in his "big boy" potty. What do I do? We recently ran out of clean underwear and so I put a pull up on him and he went #2 like a mad man (sorry for the grusome details) I think he was all backed up.

Any suggestions?

Also, he won't go to the bathroom in a normal sized toilet, only his little one. It makes it really difficult when we are at church or at someone elses house. Should I buy a cushiony thing to put on our big toilet?

Help! :)


Heather B said...

I had similar issues with my little girl "holding it in" until she felt a diaper/pullup/etc. on her bum, then she'd let it all out. I know it's risky and possibly yucky but I just kept her in underwear (or let her go naked around the house) and rather than go on the floor she finally caved in and went on the toilet. She still poops in a diaper or pull up sometimes (nap time, right before bed) but we try to make a huge deal out of the poop in the potty. Not only did we give her a bowl of ice cream every time (she never gets that normally) but we also chase her around the house as if we were the monster (she loves that) but I also found that she loves "blowing out candles" as a reward, so I let her do that too after a poop in the potty. You could also try letting him watch others in the household going on the potty, then do a big celebration dance, and then give that person (yourself, if necessary) all the rewards that you will give him. GOOD LUCK, it is not an easy thing.

Stephanie said...

I would definitely buy the smaller potty seat to go on your toilet. It's a lot less intimidating for them. They can relax and "concentrate" without worrying about falling in. We had to cart it around with us to the store, church etc. for awhile, which was a pain, but still worth it! After awhile, they will usually go without it, but it's helpful in the early stages I think.

As far as refusing to go #2, that was our issue too. For us, she liked to always sit on her smally potty chair for going #2, and I tried to make her as comfortable as possible. To this day she still asks for a book when she has to poop!

It sounds like you're getting close. Good luck!

Amanda said...

Nat, I have no experience with this yet. I think John is ready but I keep delaying it. I guess I need to just do it.

Anyway I had read in a couple books and I think maybe even Parents magazine about this - they all suggested that pooping was difficult for children because for some reason they see the poop as a part of them so it is scary to see it in the toilet. I have no idea what the reasoning behind this is. Anyway, the suggestion was that while the child is still in diapers, have them take their poopy diaper (with your help of course!) and put the poop in the toilet. Make a big deal of the poop IN the toilet. In theory, this makes it easier for children to actually poop on the toilet come potty training time.

Like I said, I have yet to begin the journey. I know Caden is probably mostly out of diapers by now. But maybe you could try it somehow? Good luck. I may be calling you for advice!

highdeekay said...

We are finally having some success at the potty thing. My daughter is 2 1/2 (almost). I have found that with pretty much everything, I come up with what I think is the perfect plan on how to implement developmental changes and she defies everything I read and when I realize she is in charge, she makes the necessary changes the way she wants to. She isn't spoiled, she is just her own person and doesn't comply with all the "literature."

Having said that, what seems to have worked for us is a sticker chart. She LOVES treats and candy and rarely gets it so I thought a candy treat would be just the thing but it wasn't. Now she gets to put a sticker in the squares of her chart and when a row has been filled she gets her little SweetTart.

Also, I tried the panties only thing and we both just ended up frustrated. Pull ups seem to be the right approach for her. That way if she starts to go a little she can stop, tell me, and doesn't have a mess running down her leg.

Finally, she seems to prefer to sit right on the pot. She has a soft cushion thing but doesn't use it. Flushing the toilet is a big deal - she loves it. She hates washing her hands though - still working on that.

Oh, I just thought of one more thing, we use the flushable wipes when she goes #2. They do a better job than TP, are more comfy for her, and she likes the novelty of it.

I think I'm done and hope I didn't just jinx myself because she really has been doing well for about three days now!

Good luck!