Saturday, October 24, 2009

Baby Einsteins

Have you seen this? News to me...
Poor Disney.


The Stump Clan said...

wow- that is crazy!!!

The Schacher Family said...

Personally when my son was younger I let him watch baby einstein and brainy baby and he actually did pick up some colors and shapes from them. I don't necessarily think they are the most eeducational movies in the world but I don't think they are a bad thing. I own one movie and I don't plan on returning it.

I think it is funny how every year the research changes on letting kids watch movies. I personally think it is fine as long as you don't just sit them in front of the tv all day long.

Also as far as young kids learning from a movie I believe they can. My kids watch signing time and my one year old has been watching baby signing time and is picking up the signs. So why can't they learn colors, shapes, and such from the baby einstein movies?

I think the people who were prosecuting were taking this a little two far. I don't think most parents think there children will be smarter from watching the videos but they are good videos for kids and do provide some learning I believe.

Jen L said...

We never got into Baby Einstein mostly because I thought they were ridiculous and definitely would not affect baby's intelligence.

I do however think it awful that Disney and other co.'s have to refund! That is the craziest thing ever. I agree, poor Disney! Wow.

Linz said...

Interesting. I've never thought of those movies as a means to teach my kids something. In the past, my purpose in popping one in has solely been so that I could have 23 minutes to get something done!

Joni said...

Oh, PUH-leez.

1 - People are idiots if they actually think watching videos of puppets and trains are going to make their babies smarter.

2 - People are idiots when they are constantly trying to blame and cash in on others.

Whether you had your kids watch the video or not, NO BIG DEAL.

I never really think "Poor Disney." If they charge $3 for a churro at D-land, they can afford to refund some videos.

But it is RIDICULOUS to me that they should even have to. I am amazed at the lack of accountability in our society. Blame, Blame, Blame, Sue, Sue, Sue.

Sorry. This one hits a chord with me. I find it disgusting.

Stephanie said...

Ridiculous. Personally, I won't be turning in mine for a refund. Like Linz, I didn't rely on them for education, but they worked great so I could, oh I don't know, take a shower now and then!

Liz said...

I agree! Silly and these parents need to remind themselves whose job it is to educate their children! I don't think there's anything wrong with them but complaining that it didn't make their kids smarter. Oh please!