Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday Weekly: Habits

What is one really great habit that you have?

What is one habit you wish you didn't have?


Aubreydoll said...

Great habit - I take lots and lots of pictures!! I have the worst memory so I have to otherwise I forget everything! I also want to make sure that my kids can remember all the fun stuff we did (and hopefully forget the bad stuff...).

Bad habit - I'm thinking of a couple things, but they're more personality traits than habits. I am incredibly indecisive and I can be a little bossy...sometimes... :)

Linz said...

Well this is kind of lame, but one of the very first things I do every morning is empty the dishwasher. I can't stand having a single dirty dish in the sink. When I empty it in the morning, there is no reason not to slip a dirty dish right in the dishwasher.

My bad habit is gritting my teeth together unknowingly.

Liz said...

i clench my teeth too! more and more when I'm stressed!

good habit is the same, getting the dishes done first, also starting a load of laundry first thing in the morning