Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Super Saturday
Friday, April 24, 2009
Food Storage Question: Canning
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Show and Tell - Lindsey
Earth Day Art for April!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Member spotlight
1. What is your age and physical description?
I am 31, 5'9", overweight and pregnant, have short brown hair, green eyes and smile a lot.

2. Where were you born and where are you now?
I was born in Logan, Utah. My family moved to California when I was 6. I grew up there and then moved back to Logan to go to college at USU. Now I live in Albuquerque,
3. What do you do for a living?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Spotlight Member: April 20th-26th
Amanda!! (Formerly known as Cramster)
We're excited to get to know you better Amanda! Click here to find the survey questions. Copy, paste into a new post, fill in your answers and if possible, include a picture of yourself and/or family.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Show and Tell-Liz&Meg
Friday, April 17, 2009
What to do..what to do??? DO THIS...
Does that just say it all, or what? What...Ok, here are the deets -
1. Choose an inspirational phrase from the recent General Conference. (I chose "The future is as bright as your faith." You can use that one too or any other quote you like.)
2. Bring your quote to life in some way. (I am sewing a quilted wall-hanging, but you will probably do something way better and cooler like creating an awesome chalk drawing in a public place somewhere incorporating the words from the prophets...or create a video...or simply take a cool picture, or stamp a card...or create bumper stickers...or draw on the windows of your friend's car...or convince your Seminary class to spell the words out using their bodies for letters...or write the words on the check you sign at a get the idea...Just do what you DO.)
3. Take a picture of what you have made/displayed and include details and a link to the Gen Conf talk online in the caption. A brief personal testimony scores extra "points"! :)
4. Either tag me in the picture or POST the picture to my profile so that my FRIENDS all have access to YOUR AWESOMENESS.
5. The TOP THREE entries will receive a totally desirable prize and a sense of satisfaction...and bragging rights, if you're into that kind of thing. :) Perhaps there will be more prizes depending on the participation.
THE EXPERIMENT ends in two weeks. I will judge the results and choose the winners in a completely unscientific, yet pretty unbiased way and announce the top picks on FRIDAY, MAY 1ST.
Thanks in advance for playing...and I hope you have a total blast with this!!
Your Friend on Facebook...and in REAL LIFE! - Jocelyn
You are welcome to invite your other LDS friends to participate in this!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Show and Tell
If you go to the Disney Behr Paint display at Home Depot, you will see pamphlets for various Disney rooms. We took two of these and wanted to try parts of them in our girls' rooms. We could print out stencils on-line, but they were the size of an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper, and we wanted it to be HUGE.
So my husband started by taking a large poster board, and with a pencil, ruler, and a lot of patient hours, created a stencil of a castle by looking at the one he printed out on-line. Then he cut it with a box cutter so that the edges would be really crisp, taped it on the wall, traced it, and painted. He has never done anything like this before and so we were pretty darn excited about it. He worked slowly, and it paid off. We love it!

Then we did a fairy garden room inspired by Tinkerbell. Some of the plants required a few poster boards taped together to make stencils. With both, we adjusted the colors to what we wanted, but still used the Disney brand.

This was the coolest art porject our family created in the past twelve months. I don't really make anything homemade, so this was the best thing I could share. I hope you will share the coolest things YOU created in the last year very soon!
Getting to know Natalie

1. What is your age and physical description?
I am 26 and very beautiful. Just kidding-I am not skinny anymore, someday I hope to find that figure again. I’m 5’4’’ and have blue eyes and light brown hair.
2. Where were you born and where are you now?
I was born in
3. What do you do for a living?
I work part-time from home on my computer. I am hoping to quit here sometime soon, but just haven’t taken the plunge and done it yet. I also do nails and pedicures and just joined Stampin Up! as a demonstrator. I like to be busy, can you tell?
4. What is your favorite and least favorite color?
Favorite color, purple or turquoise. Least fav, black or yellow.
5. Did you go to college and get a degree, If so, where & what?
I went to
6. How many children do you have? How old are they?
I have one boy—Caden. He is 2.5
7. What’s your favorite and least favorite food?
Favorite food: Anything with Bread and Cheese. I love sandwiches.
Least Favorite: not a huge fan of authentic stuff-no thanks to Indian Cusine or Sushi
8. Are you right or left handed?
9. Do you play any instruments?
I dabble with the piano. I played the Clarinet in Jr. High, but have no idea where it is.
10. What are your hobbies?
I love being with my family. I enjoy a clean house, a finished workout and any accomplishment I have set out and finished. I like to read, cook, sew and scrapbook. I also love to make new friends.
Make You Think...
11. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I don’t really know. I always played house and school.
12. What is your biggest fear?
A person dying that is close to me. I am also afraid of getting a long term illness.
13. Who has touched your life and influenced you the most and why?
My mom. She is amazing. She has been through a lot of heartache in her life and has really made the best of really tough circumstances. She got divorced when I was 13 and knew that she needed to make more money as a teacher. She went back to school and got her Master’s degree, so she could support us kids better. She supported 2 kids in the mission field at the same time and managed to keep it all together for us kids at home. She is a wonderful person, example and friend. I only hope to someday be like her.
14. If you could accomplish just one thing with your life, what would that be and why?
I would like to be a good mother. I would like to add to our family and try hard to raise my kids with the gospel and love.
15. What is your worst habit and if you could quit it, would you?
Biting my nails. Seriously—I went to beauty school!! I know it’s bad-why do I still do it?
16. Who would play you in the movie of your life? Who would play your husband?
Hmm. Interesting question. I’ll have to think more about this one.
17. What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life and why?
Let’s get this party started…don’t know the artist. Life is fun, right?!
18. If you could meet any one person in history, who would it be, and why?
I’d like to meet Marjorie Hinckley. She was such a fun, spunky lady who loved being a mother. I’d like to meet her and talk to her about the joys of motherhood and what she did to enjoy this motherhood journey that we are all on.
19. If you lost everything you have tomorrow, what three things would you save and why? I’d save my husband, my little Caden and my scrapbooks. I'd try to grab my I-pod too.
20. What is your favorite quote and why?
"I believe in God as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." --C.S. Lewis
I like it because—everything in life is because of God. I believe that He is a part of everything we do in our lives and he cares about us deeply.
Just For Fun
21. Do you sleep with the closet door open or closed?
Doesn’t matter.
22. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who aren’t themselves.
23. Where are the top three places you'd like to travel to?
24. Do you ever dance for no reason even though there’s no music playing?
No. I need music to feel the groove.
25. What size is your bed? Queen
26. What do you drink with dinner? Usually water.
27. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? You’ve got mail, Sleepless in Seattle, Little Women, How to lose a guy in 10 days, The holiday
28. What was the first concert you went to?
29. What is on your perfect pizza? Canadian Bacon and Pinapple. mmmm
30. What's the most exotic place you've traveled to?
Monday, April 13, 2009
Spotlight Member: April 13th-19th
Natalie, click here, copy & paste the survey into a new post, answer the questions and include a picture of yourself so we can all get to know you better!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Spotlight: Jen L (Finally!! :)

10. What are your hobbies? I love music! So I guess that is a hobby. Gardening, cooking, sewing, photography and uh, baby making? Ha. We've been trying to have number 2 for over a year, so it's probably called a hobby by now :)

Friday, April 10, 2009
Just Curious...
I am wondering if mis-carriages are more genetic than we think. So if you'd take this poll, I'd love it.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
"Show and Tell"
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Art in April
It's ART IN APRIL month, and the sky's the limit! Please post your favorite kids' craft ideas, show-off a hobby, ask questions, share favorite music/dance games with your kids, etc.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Spotlight Member: April 6th- 12th
Jen, go here to find the spotlight survey. Copy, paste into a new post and fill it out. If you can, include a recent picture. We're excited to get to know you better!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
"I Spy The Prophet" Spyglass

Friday, April 3, 2009
General Conference Moments
FHE Friday April!
"For the next six months your conference edition of the Ensign should stand next to your standard works and be referred to frequently. As my dear friend and brother Harold B. Lee said, we should let these conference addresses 'be the guide to [our] walk and talk during the next six months. These are the important matters the Lord sees fit to reveal tothis people in this day.'"
-Ezra Taft Benson
Thursday, April 2, 2009
$5 Dinners
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
12 Days of Easter Countdown
I am doing a 12 Days of Easter Countdown on my blog starting today...check it out if you'd like to follow along...I'll be including verses of scripture from both the New Testament and The Book of Mormon that tell the story of the week leading up to Christ's Atonement through His resurrection. Easter is a wonderful time to contemplate Christ's sacrifice for us.