Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hot Topic

Are you nervous about the Swine flu?


Tiffany said...


Chantel said...

I am very worried. There has been a large number of people that have gotten the swine flu within a 10 mile radius of us.

kristi said...

I was, but I keep getting told that it is JUST THE FLU. My sis-in-law is a nurse at a local hospital and she doesn't seem too worried, which is helping me to not be as worried. Of course I don't want any of my family to get it or myself, but apparently this flu has been around for a very long time. I think the only reason we are all freaking out about it is because of all the major media coverage. I think the thing that concerns me the most is just how contagious it seems to be. Doesn't it seem to be more contagious then the other types of flu?

Like I said before, I still don't want any of us to get it though:)

Joni said...

The biggest difference between the regular old flu and swine flu is that this is a new strain so nobody has anybody resistance to it, whether it be from a vaccine or immunity from past infection.

I think it's something to watch for, but again, it's just the flu. People die from regular flu every year and we don't get all freaked about it. Of the twenty New York students who contracted it none of them even needed to be hospitalized or receive medication.

Also, the swine flu is very responsive to medicines like Tamiflu, a medicine to take if you have already been confirmed to have it.

My husband was in Mexico city last week. We're not worried. He doesn't have it.

I'm kind of ticked about the way the media is covering this issue. I feel like it's really fueling unnecessary panic.

Of course I'm a little concerned about it, but I don't think we need to freak out.

Bethany said...

Not really. We wash our hands, we aren't around too many crowds. There's been one reported case here in NE. I don't get easily riled up about things like this. Like some have said before, the swine flu responds to medication, I really don't see it as a huge threat.

Amanda said...

I am more aware of hygiene (making SURE I wash my hands or my son's hands after playing with others, etc.).

Otherwise, I think the media just needs something to report about.

Linz said...

I'm so far up North that it's not like I'm not leaving my house or something, but I'm concerned since I know so many people in the areas of concern.

Claire said...

Not really... I was at first, but the more I read about it, the less worried I am. I kind of feel like the media is hyping it up and blowing it way out of proportion. I realize that it *could* become an issue... but so could a million other things! I'm a bit of a germaphobe anyway, so we've got the hygiene thing down pretty well. The one thing that does concern me is the less desirables that Scott deals with day in and day out. But once again, he practices good hygiene and that's really all we can do!

Jen L said...

I'm not concerned one bit... which is a good thing since I spent all last week on flights, spent 4 days in UT, and spent time in Canada...