Friday, April 24, 2009

Food Storage Question: Canning

Have any of you canned your own food? I really want to start canning things such as homemade spaghetti sauce, fruits and veggies, etc. Do you know any good ways to go about learning? What kinds of things do I need to get started? Please point me in the right direction... I'm such a food storage dummy... I'm trying though!!


Jen L said...

I love canning! I would definitely go out and buy the Ball Blue Book. It's a GREAT resource! Tells you about all the "equipment" you need, how to can, recipes, etc. Plus, it's in easy terms and illustrated (written for the beginer to the expert). You can get it pretty much everywhere. If you are going to be canning veggies, you'll need a pressure canner. They can be quite expensive. Otherwise for high acid foods (such as fruits) you can use a boiling water bath. Let me know if you have any questions and have fun!!!

The Stump Clan said...

I have canned chicken at my sis-in-laws, but I am still learning as well. I too am looking to purchase a pressure canner in the near future. Good Luck!

Unknown said...

Check on Craigslist for pressure canners.

Unknown said...

Also, for anyone in Minnesota, there's a Living Green expo at the state fairgrounds next Saturday, May 2, from 10-6:00. From 3:30-4:30, there will be a Canning and Freezing Workshop. The whole expo is free and "family friendly" (whatever that means). Check it out: