Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Desert Skin

I have lived in humid Minnesota for six years. I just moved back west and have apparently forgotten how dry it is! I feel like I'm putting on lotion all day but nothing helps! What tricks have you learned to keeping your skin from flaking off all the time??? What lotions/soaps work to keep your skin moist??


Claire said...

When I moved from Michigan to Utah, I just religiously used various Bath and Body Works products. Ever morning after I showered, I would slather tons of lotion on... it seemed to do the trick. I used so much lotion that I had to buy 2-3 bottles of lotion for every bottle of body wash. And sometimes I'd end up back at the store for more!

highdeekay said...

I'm a big fan of Aveeno (the kind with oatmeal extract). It not only is really good a moisturizing, but the oatmeal helps alleviate the itchiness. I always thought my Utah cousins were prissy because they used so much lotion (I grew up in moist Oregon) until I moved to Utah and realized it is a necessity!!!!

Jen C. said...

When I moved here from Chicago, I used Curel and Cetaphil religiously. Luckily after slowly weaning myself off of them, my skin got used to the dryness and I use lotion much less now.

The Schacher Family said...

I use Dove sensitive skin in the shower and lotion up with Cetaphil from the tub because it is thicker and keeps my skin more moist. Also my doctor recommends crisco instead of lotion. I haven;t tried it but he swears by it.