1. What is your age and physical description? I will be 28 in a month and I have always had an athletic body. I am a little softer/thicker now thanks to my 2 wonderful kids but I am working hard to lose the last of the baby weight. I am 5'9".
2. Where were you born and where are you now? I was born in Lansing, MI. Both of my kids were born at the same hospital that I was. I haven't ventured too far.
3. What do you do for a living? I get to stay at home with my kids!
4. What is your favorite and least favorite color? I have always liked blue and have never been a pink person. (even though my daughter wears tons of it!)
5. Did you go to college and get a degree, If so, where & what? Yep, graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Resources.
6. How many children do you have? How old are they? I have 2, Austin Robert is 5 and Kalli Beth is 14 months.
7. What’s your favorite and least favorite food? Hmmm, I love greasy fried foods and I do not care for fish.
8. Are you right or left handed? Right
9. Do you play any instruments? Not so much.
10. What are your hobbies? Couponing, running and reading.
Make You Think...
11. What did you want to be when you grew up? A marine biologist (what kid didn't?)
12. What is your biggest fear? Losing one of my kids.
13. Who has touched your life and influenced you the most and why? Definitely my mom. She made me who I am today and if I can be 1/100th of the mom/person she is then I will be happy.
14. If you could accomplish just one thing with your life, what would that be and why? Raise a happy, loving righteous family in the gospel. Nothing could top that.
15. What is your worst habit and if you could quit it, would you?
Biting my nails. I have done it since I was a kid. I go through periods where I am really good and they grow nice and long. Then one scary movie wrecks the whole thing!
16. Who would play you in the movie of your life? Who would play your husband? I would have to say Tim McGraw for Bob because we have had no less than a half dozen people tell us they think he looks like him. They both are part Native American. (This picture doesn't show the comparison well, but its the only one I could find on my computer with him in his cowboy hat!) So naturally I would say Faith Hill for me. She would just need a few changes, like cutting her hair and perming it. Oh and gain a few 40 pounds probably!

17. What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life and why? This one has me stumped. (catch the pun??) Probably a song that talks about a rollercoaster, which is what my life has always been like!
18. If you could meet any one person in history, who would it be, and why?
Maybe my great great grandmother Anna Sofia. I have heard she was just a saint of a woman. I have always wanted to name a daughter of mine Anna Sofia after her, but since my last name is now Stump, I won't give my daughter the initials of a swear word!
19. If you lost everything you have tomorrow, what three things would you save and why? Pictures, journals (I honestly don't have many), and any important documents I can grab.
20. What is your favorite quote and why? Can't say I have one favorite, but I love most of Dwight Schrute's lines from The Office.
Just For Fun
21. Do you sleep with the closet door open or closed?Open- it leads to the bathroom.
22. What is your biggest pet peeve? When billboards or signs have misspelled words. Come on- take 2 seconds to proofread what you are putting up for thousands of people to see!
23. Where are the top three places you'd like to travel to? I am sure all of these have already been said, but Australia, Hawaii and Ireland.
24. Do you ever dance for no reason even though there’s no music playing? Yep.
25. What size is your bed? Unfortunately a queen, but a King is not far away!
26. What do you drink with dinner? Mostly water, but milk for certain meals.
27. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Tommy Boy, Transformers, Pride and Prejudice (any version really), The Grinch (with Jim Carrey), Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Night at the Museum. (Random, I know.)
28. What was the first concert you went to? Something country for sure- we went to a lot of them as a kids.
29. What is on your perfect pizza? Probably pepperoni and green peppers.
30. What's the most exotic place you've traveled to? Cozumel, Mexico.

My sweetie pies!