Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Okay so I know everyone knows what Craigslist is, but just wanted to share an interesting experience I had with it. First of all, I love it. When I was pregnant, we were thrilled to get an awesome crib and changing table for $100. Huge money saver and we love them both. I've also sold everything I've ever put on there (except for a Breadmaker). Okay, so I've only sold like 4 things, but still, I dig it.

In like April, I put an ad on Craigslist advertising piano lessons. I truly wasn't ready for it yet at that point in time. I got about 3 e-mails but nothing follow-throughed. It was just as well. Just recently, I've been like really ready to teach again. It's the perfect time and I'm organized and excited about. I thought maybe I should try the newspaper instead. They convinced me to do a 12-day run of an ad and it was $68.00. I was drawn into it because to do like two days was like only $20 less than doing 12. I chalked it up as a business expense that would hopefully pay off. Then I put an ad on Craigslist again for FREE. I got about three times the response from Craigslist than I did with the newspaper and it didn't cost me a cent. I have exceeded my goal as to how many students I wanted to get and most of them were from Craigslist. Thank you Craig!


Stephanie said...

I was actually going to do a post about craigslist too! I just bought a learn and groove musical leapfrog table off there for $10 ($42 in the store) and it's in GREAT shape! My little one was ready for some different, more stimulating toys, but my wallet wasn't! I love it too, because you don't have to pay shipping like you would on ebay or amazon!

Liz said...

I have to admit, I find Craigslist overwhelming and frustrating! Maybe it's because I haven't tried hard enough, or because Mpls is so big but when I try and search, it takes hours to sift through all of the results and the ones I'm interested in are over an hour away! Am I doing it wrong??

Tiffany said...

amen...i LOVE craigslist. pretty much everything that we have bought for our daughter was from craigslist. we've even made some friends with people that we've bought stuff from. its SUPER fun and almost always an AWESOME deal.

we always try to refine our searches the best we can in order to not have to sort through tons of we put in the city we live in, includes picture (because we always want to see what we're getting), and then type in specifically what we're looking "toy" or "crib" etc. maybe that will help!

Linz said...

Good tips, Tiffany.

Unknown said...

We love craigslist too! We just bought a decent bookshelf that we're not mortified to have people see. Liz, keep trying! I'm sure you'll get bit by the bug too!

Amanda said...

I love craigslist also. I just barely bought a crib for my baby on it. One can find great deals!

I think that it is easier to shop on it if you live in a big city - I came from a small town so there weren't that many postings. Now I am in Phoenix area, there are tons of people selling things. It is fab.

Bethany said...

Ah, Craigslist. I agree, it is a fun place. It seems that in my area there are a lot more baby girl things than boy things. Oh well. I bought a great jumperoo which my son loves and I also bought a high chair. Which was a horror story...but all is well now. You can see my horror story at:

Bethany said...

P.S. Don't let my story deter any of you who haven't used Craigslist. It is a great place to find many things. I'll just have to be more careful and look things over before I hand over any money!