Sunday, August 19, 2007

My latest project

I have a knack for getting excited about new projects...and then not finishing them. (But that's another topic.) Anyway, I thought I'd share my latest, since it may be something one of you would be interested in. I got a subscription to Parenting magazine when I was pregnant. In the "newborn" days I usually didn't even take them out of the plastic, for lack of reading time. I remember a girl at work reading one, and I was like, "Oh, you actually read that?" But lately, I have been way more into them. I usually read them cover to cover, and I love taking them in the car when my husband is driving. However, my dilemma was what to do with them when I was done. I had been saving them, because I thought, "That potty training article will come in handy in a year or two," or "That's a fun idea of something to do with toddlers!" But in reality, how am I ever going to remember to look up that particular article in that particular issue when the time comes? And, space is a major issue for us right now! Soooo.....

I bought a plastic recipe box, and little alphabetized separaters. Now, I am working on going through the issues and cutting out things that I think I will want to refer to later, and then filing them. I'm not necessarily cutting out whole articles, especially because it's just a little recipe box. The thing that I especially wanted to save was the little tips and ideas about fun things to do with children. For instance, Parenting magazine has a page every issue called Play List, with ideas for things that are creative and can just be done around the house without spending money. For example, from this month's issue, one of the ideas is ways to use cookie cutters, like using them for stencils, play dough, and melon, etc.

Anyway, I thought it was a good way to "de-junk" my house of magazines, and it'll be a quick easy reference for ways to entertain a bored toddler in a couple of years, when I run out of ideas!


Linz said...

Fabulous idea. I love it!

MY SIL gave me a gift subscription to Family Fun and it is FULL of ideas.

kristi said...

What a great idea.