Monday, August 20, 2007

The Dinner Table

In our first apartment we didn't have enough room to eat at the table. In our second apartment there really wasn't much room either. We are finally in a house and have a real dining room. And it's not a secluded or formal room. However, we don't eat there much. When I was little we always ate at the table, when I was a teenager eating at the table seemed to fizzle out. I would like to eat at the table as a family now that we have room. Even though Luke doesn't eat at the same time, he could still join us. But we don't. We have a few times in the months that we've lived here. Perhaps it would be easier if I had a set dinner time but since it's just Jason and I, I usually wait until he gets home from work, which isn't always at the same time. Does anyone think I should have a set dinner time anyway? We usually eat on the couch .... watching TV. I want to start the habit of eating at the table. It's just a matter of convincing my husband that it's the right thing to do. Anyone else have thoughts on this?


Liz said...

When my husband worked later hours, we struggled with this because I felt like there were three dinners: the baby's, mine, and his. I grew up with family dinner time, pretty much no matter what time Dad got home from work (and he was a doctor with late hours too) so we often had dinner anytime between 6-8. We had snacks if we needed it but I grew up knowing it was important to my Mom. but it's actually good for the baby's development too. I think it's a great idea to have Luke sit with you even if he's already done. It's important for him to see the social habit of eating, talking during dinner, using cups and utensils and eating a variety of foods. It helps with his feeding development too.

kristi said...

I think that eating as a family is important too. How much does the time vary that he gets home. Is he always home by a certain time? If so, make dinner time for that later time, unless you know for sure that he will be home earlier. Make a schedule sometimes that really helps.

Linz said...

I think if it's possible with hubby's work to try and have dinner together and having a set time can sometimes make it easier but it's good to be flexible too. We've eaten at the table together since our babe has eaten in her highchair and it's been really good. When you eat in front of the TV, you miss the opportunity to interact with each other and you also don't pay as much attention to what you are eating. Sometimes when you actually pay attention to your food you can pace yourself better and avoid overeating. I agree with what's been said, totally.

Stephanie said...

Personally, I think the habit of sitting together at the table is more important than the actual time. Dinnertime is anytime between 5:00 and 8:00 at our house, but we always at least try to sit at the table. And if we happen to eat at different times, we (try) to at least keep the other person company and chat. I feel like once you start habits like eating in front of the t.v. they're kind of hard to break, as you're probably already figuring out. But at least you can start new traditions now for your kids!

Amanda said...

So far I haven't had trouble with having family dinner at the table. I think part of it was that my family always ate around the table, as did his.

It is challenging to compete with the TV. Since we moved to a new place we don't have cable. That has helped A TON. I love the increased interaction with my family and have found that I don't even really miss TV. When we did have cable (5 different channels of ESPN is hard to compete with...) I would do things like ask my husband to help with dinner by setting the table, or sometimes I would set it myself and then tell him that dinner was ready. Maybe that would help you? Would your hubby dare fix a plate from the table and then move into the TV room???

Liz said...

In our first apartment we discovered we were watching TV during dinner every night. When we moved, we consciously put the TV in the basement (having only one) and now we have to talk during dinner! :)

Stephanie said...

Just saw this topic in an old issue of Parenting. It suggested having ONE meal together, even if it's breakfast. Said you'll get the same effect, as long as you are eating together.

p.s. We don't have cable either, and I LOVE it. We get the basic channels, so we get all the regular shows, but it cuts down on all the extra vegging!

Bethany said...

Thanks everyone. I appreciate what you've said!