Thursday, August 23, 2007

A laugh

My cousin posted a link to an Ebay listing on our family website and I just wanted to share (read the "story" after the listing):


Liz said...

that is funny! any of you having visions of your future??? :)

Skipper said...

THAT was hilarious!!! Poor girl. I can't believe someone paid $142 for all those! I'll bet she's glad.

Aubreydoll said...

Thanks for posting that, Linz. That was hilarious!

Stephanie said...

lol! Did you see that she has a family blog? I'm going to check it out...She's hilarious

Chantel said...

That was so hilarious, but at the same time I wanted to cry. I guess it won't get better later. I am thinking of adding a babysitter once a week as one of the requirements that need to be met if I have a third child. My next child is getting more an more expensive as I realize how hard it will be. Thanks for the warning!

Bethany said...

Ahhh ha ha ha! She is a great story teller. I'm surprised how much the cards went for but hey, at least she made back about half of what she payed at the grocery store. My son just started grabbing for anything within reach yesterday ... and he can't even get himself out of the cart yet. Can't wait for the days when I can say "nope, they all just started following me" ... well, maybe I can.