If you read my post below, one of the topics I did in my little box was ideas for making birthdays fun and special. A couple of my favorites were making the child king/queen for the day, and they can stay in their pj's all day if the want, pick what they want to eat, etc. Another was giving books instead of cards every year, and writing a heartfelt message in the inside cover. Anyway, I loved some of the ideas, but a lot of them seemed more appropriate for older kids. I was wondering if anyone had ideas for making a 1st birthday party special, as my daughter's is the end of next month. We're not doing a big bash or anything, just close family. It's not like there will be other little kids to do gift bags for, or any of that. And I know Skyler is really too young to remember anything anyway. But people are driving at least an hour to get here, and let's face it, once you eat cake and open presents, the action's kind of over. So, does anyone have any ideas to make the party special, and add a little something to it?
I read one idea that your cake should be something (for the 1st birthday) that is friendly to your child like banana cake or carrot cake. I found a recipe for banana cake that looks pretty good on allrecipes.com. Let me know if you're interested!
It is always fun to do some sort of a theme and it doesnt' have to be that she is turning one. Make it something fun and kid friendly. My oldest we had bob the builder stuff, my second we had elmo and sadly I can't remember my youngest. I actually don't think I had a theme with his. I just made him a HUGE star shaped cake.
We went more low-key. I heard a lot of advice before her bday that doing something big would be overwhelming and sure enough, my little one was exhausted BEFORE the cake and presents! I like the banana cake idea though-my little one loves banana bars but didn't much go for her birthday cake!
I'm interested Linz, if you don't mind posting it that is!
Heck no! I'll send you the link. I'll post it once I know it's for sure good! That will be before Skyler's b-day so that will hopefully be to you benefit!
Here's the one that looked best to me (rated 5 stars by 316 people):
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