Monday, July 28, 2008

Hospital Bag Musts

I'm on my baby countdown! 21 days!  It's time to pull all the gear out, wash it, get it ready and pack the bag!
Last time, I took a big bag of stuff for labor and afterward and didn't use half of it and wished I'd put other stuff in.  I used the ipod but didn't use the magazines.  I wished I'd had my own toothbrush (the hospital issue ones were weird!) stuff like that.  

What were your essentials?  What was your lifesaver or did you wish you'd had?


Claire said...

I took Cecelia's baby book and the journal I had been writing in while I was pregnant. I used both things... I was on such an adreneline high after she was born, and Cecelia and Scott both slept for pretty much 24 straight hours after her birth. So I wrote in both books.

Kage said...

video camera
cell phone

Linz said...

I agree with what has been said. Definitely cameras! My hospital gave me plenty of tucks and pads but I was really happy that I brought slippers and warm socks. That night after labor I go back and forth between being really warm and really cold. It is nice to have some slippers to put on when walking to the bathroom. I liked having face wash and my toothbrush and toothpaste with me.

Chantel said...

Scented candle and candle warmer. Hospital always have a weird smell to them and having a candle made it feel more like home, much more relaxing then the smell of antiseptic.

Bethany said...

My husband had to be at work the day after baby 2 was born. I was there by myself and bored to tears! I wished I had a book or two. I also agree with pretty much everything everyone else has mentioned.

maryp said...

My own pillows were a total must! The hospital ones were plastic and uncomfortable!

kristi said...

I always like my own shampoo and conditioner. It makes my shower feel much better then using something the hospital might give me. I like the idea of bringing the baby book even though I always forgot to bring it. Good luck by the way.

Stephanie said...

In addition to stuff already said...chapstick, pony tail holders, NURSING BRAS (definitely forgot those!), and snacks for hubby so he didn't have to leave me alone much during the labor!

Liz said...

great suggestions! I've already added a few to my Target list!

Linz said...

one more thing--a pen! I never had one available when I had to write things down on charts, fill in birth certificate info., etc.

Liz said...

I definately recommend not bringing the candle...unless you want a code red and all kinds of security people coming to your room....a nice room spray would be a better option.

Otherwise: camera, snacks, pillow,nursing bras, entertaining stuff for you and hubby are all good ideas. I kinda felt like I was moving in to my hospital room. I loved having my laptop. Most hospitals have WiFi access now so that could keep you both entertained and you could update the blog even faster:).

On a separate note. I am not sure where you are delivering, but ask your nurse for the Nestle Good Start diaper bag. It is a backpack cooler type thing. Most hospitals (like the one I work at) has contacts with Similac and Enfamil so they can't really hand them out (but the formula rep keeps giving it to our hospital...) It is definately worth trying to get!