Tuesday, July 1, 2008

These is My Words Discussion

Happy July everyone! I FINALLY got my copy of These is My Words and finished it last night (I couldn't put it down). I loved this book and hope that you all did too. I'm going to post some discussion questions in the comments...and everyone feel free to just say how you felt about the book too. You don't really have to answer the questions. (I know I'm posting this early, but I'm going out of town soon so I wanted to get it out there before I leave. :) )

So what book did we decide we're going to discuss in August?


Tiffany said...

SPOILER ALERT: (most of these comments will probably talk about the end of the book...so don't read them if you haven't finished!!)

Man, this book was an emotional roller coaster for me. I think I cried more in this book than I have in a long time. I couldn't believe all of the trials that Sarah lived through...she sure is a strong character.

A couple things that really struck me:
**I hated Jimmy when his dying words were that he loved that other girl. I was dying inside for Sarah at that point. That would be AWFUL!! I guess it was better for her to know that not (maybe it helped her grieving process...)..but still...man! That was just awful!
**I love Captain Jack Elliot. I just do. It was so funny to me to see the way Sarah reacted to the way he "courted" her. But he was such a great husband and father...I bawled at the end. I was hoping that Sarah would get to keep him after all of her loss in her life.
**I was very impressed at how educated Sarah was by the end of the book. I really liked what Blue Horse said about wisdom not being a path but a tree..you get to keep branching out. And I like how Jack explained it to her that you don't have to go to school to be smart...and some people that go to school are ignorant still.
**As a mother, I was so sad when April grew up and got in fights with her parents...it reminded me that there will be a time in my sweet little daughter's life that she will probably hate me. I love this sweet age! I don't want it to end!!

I have to go...but maybe I'll add more later. Questions in the next comment.

Natalie said...

I read this book a couple of months ago with our neighborhood book group. It was one of my favorites.

Tiffany said...

I really, really liked this quote too: “It is a certain kind of terror to know I carry a baby and have the other two to protect. Even with the soldiers around, I feel so alone. Children are a burden to a mother, not the way a heavy box is to a mule. Our children weigh hard on my heart, and thinking about them growing up honest and healthy, or just living to grow up at all, makes a load in my chest that is bigger than the safe at the bank, and more valuable to me than all the gold inside it”.

I loved when Sarah talked about how you would do anything for your children and how she understands why you don't mess with a bear when her cubs around. That's exactly how I feel about being a mother. :)

Anyway, I'm not the best at coming up with questions, but I'm curious to know how everyone felt about Jimmy and whether or not you think Sarah could have been happy with him if he had never died...or if she would have ever found out about his wandering heart.

Also, what did you think about the way Captain Jack courted Sarah? Do you think if he'd given her the love letter that he had written her and never given her that she would have trusted it and let herself love him back then, or do you think she would have disregarded it entirely?

Anyone else have any questions?