Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm Bitter...

But not at anyone. I am about 10 weeks away from my 2nd child being born and all the sudden I have this strange bitter taste in my mouth after I eat anything. I just looked it up on the internet and found that it is usually something women experience in the begining of their pregnancy and that nothing can really help it...this does make me bitter, especially since it is the holidays and yummy food surrounds me (I guess it could be seen as a good thing?) Anyhow, I am wondering if anyone has ever had this happen and did something particular work for you? I am feeling desperate.


Liz said...

i still think it's reflux, Teriney! :)
i also googled it and it looked more common in early pregnancy but also throughout as well. but no one had a reason or a solution except for bubble gum and mint gum! so chew away! :)

Bethany said...

I had to take an antibiotic once that gave me a metallic taste in my mouth for a couple of weeks. I chewed gum constantly and it helped a little. Hopefully it doesn't last 10 more weeks for you!

Teriney said...

thanks for the feed back! and yes gum seems to be doing the best trick!