Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Type I diabetes

My friend has a son who is 13 months and just diagnosed with Type I diabetes. She doesn't have a history of the disease in her or her husband's family and so this took them by complete surprise. After a horrific weekend in the hospital, things have calmed down and she feels a need to let other mommy's out there know her story so others can recognize the symptoms sooner. I have joined her crusade and wanted to share her story with everyone.


Bethany said...

Thank you so much for posting a link to her page. That was very good information. Sad and Scary but ever helpful!

Liz said...

thank you for sharing that! good luck to your friend and her family!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for sharing this Jen. How terrifying for your friend. Type 1 DM IS pretty rare in such a young child, but it can be really serious when it does happen. I'm glad they caught it when they did. My heart goes out to her, it won't be an easy road from here on out, but luckily modern medicine keeps improving!