Saturday, July 12, 2008

Biggest Loser Challenge (better late than never!)

Hi everyone!

I'm sorry for not posting challenges the last 2 Thursdays! I just moved to another state and had to wait for internet service. Anyway, now I'm back in full force and ready to issue another challenge.

Even though I am posting this challenge late I think we all can complete it before next Thursday. This week's challenge is to try something new with food. You decide what that means and report back next week. You could try a new fruit or vegetable. You could try a new recipe (hopefully low cal or low fat or in some way healthy). Try using whole wheat flour in your cookies or bread you make. Try switching to brown rice or whole wheat spaghetti.

This is an easy challenge (I am still unpacking...) and I look forward to seeing what we come up with!

1 comment:

Claire said...

Woohoo! Welcome back Amanda!