Thursday, July 5, 2007

Crawling and Baby Proofing

My 5-month-old just shot himself backwards across the room. I'm pretty sure he'll be crawling by the end of the month. My baby sitter told me that she had to pull his legs out from under the couch three times today.

What do I need to do now to baby-proof??? I know I should probably get some outlet covers, and I should probably vacuum more often...any advice? Do I need to start keeping bathroom doors shut? Should I worry about the growing rug burns on his face because he keeps biffing it? Should I make him wear pants so his knees don't get all roughed up?


Liz said...

Some people recommend to keep the bathroom doors shut but our baby doesn't play in there unless we're with her so we haven't needed to...yet! :) One thing we discovered when she got mobile was cords! We realized they were hanging around and she could yank them and pull things down and worse, chew on them! That was something we didn't think about! You might want to start thinking about drawer and cupboard clips if you need that as well. Honestly, we weren't on top of baby proofing so once she started scooting and crawling, I spent days just following her around "putting out fires" and fixing potential hazards as she discovered them! If it's a hazard, they'll find it! :)

Unknown said...

Safety First has a helpful "multi-pack" of doorknob covers, outlet covers, and some other stuff at Target. Although I didn't get that, you might want to just browse that area for future reference. I definitely second Liz's comments, though--cords, long curtains, and outlets are big dangers. Also, we had a CD tower and DVD shelves that we had to barricade/disassemble as our oldest got more curious and started to pull up. You could also anchor things like that (ie: floor lamps) to the wall if your baby gets really into wobbling them back and forth (both of mine stopped after the first few "no"s).

Linz said...

I think it's good to let their skin get accustomed to the floor. I worried about that but nothing bad ever happened to my babe's elbows and knees. I just applied lotion at night and her skin just became kind of calloused in a good way.

Stephanie said...

I think the most useful form of baby proofing is following them around and watching what they go for, because it changes! For instance right now my daughter goes straight for the entertainment center and reams on the VCR. But in a few months, she'll probably be throwing things in the toilet! Definitely watch out for heavy objects, or things like table runners that they can yank and pull over on top of themselves. Good luck!