Friday, July 6, 2007

Separation Anxiety?

Okay, so I know she's almost 18 months and that age screams separation anxiety! But has anyone dealt with "anti- Daddy" anxiety???? When I'm working, she's fine with him. But if I'm home, I'm the ONLY one who can feed, change, hold, talk to, or help her. It gets old really quickly. I've heard of the opposite, where Daddy is a novelty when he's around because he's usually at work, but she SCREAMS if he tries to help out lately. Any suggestions???????


Linz said...

It's gotta be a phase. I would say give M lots of opportunities to be alone with Dad. Leave the room, run an errand, just be out of the picture from time to time.

Liz said...

That's where it's gotten tricky. When I'm really gone, she's fine. She knows he's the only option and she's okay with it. It's when I'm "gone" like in the bedroom or for heaven's sake, in the bathroom and she won't let him get her down from her high chair or something silly like that! :)

Katie said...

I know what you mean. My daughter is 22 months and she is kind of the same way and it drives my husband crazy! Sometimes if her daddy makes her laugh, we can both talk her into letting daddy hold her and rock, but other than that we are still struggling through this. Hopefully, it will pass.

Linz said...

I try not to "save" my baby when she is in that kind of situation. Let him still take her out of the highchair even when she's freaking out because you're still home.

Liz said...

Honestly, the most reassuring thing is to hear I'm not the only one! When I've mentioned it to other people, they look at me sideways like I'm crazy! :)

Missy said...

My first child was like that and probably the worst case I've seen to date. Yes! It gets really old, really fast. The only thing I could do (and it may seem mean), but I had to just give her to someone else and ignore her even when I was in the room. It was the only way I could get anything done in the house.