Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Restraint when shopping continued...

I felt very inspired by the last post on being careful not to overspend at the store. I especially liked the "use it up.." quote. However, I need further inspiration/advice. How do you resist great bargains? My downfall has always been, "It was a great deal!" But as my husband so gently points out, it doesn't matter if it's a great deal when you find them every day! I really do pride myself on finding good bargains though, and I get thrills from it! Just today, I went shopping at the outlet mall and stocked up on a summer wardrobe for next year for my little one. I got lots of ADORABLE clothes for $2.99, 3.99, etc. from stores like Baby GAP and Children's Place. I consider it smart, since I am paying way less than I would if I waited until next year. But at the same time, we really don't have a lot of extra money right now. So I don't know if clothes for NEXT year count as a necessity! What do you think? Any of you have the same problem with getting an adrenaline rush from bargain shopping???!!!


Bethany said...

I must say, it does sound like you found a great deal for the kid clothes. And if you can save on them now rather than paying 8-10 or eve 15 dollars for an item next year, I'd say it's worth it.

I like to find bargains. I usually give myself a limit as to how much I'll spend when planning to go somewhere with inexpensive things. Such as D.I. in CA & UT. I LOVE that store. I could go in with 20 bucks and come out with some nice shirts, dresses and pants or even something for my house. I miss that store.

Resisting bargains is sometimes hard. I don't know what your budget is like but you could work it out to have a certain amount set aside each month for bargains. Going with the cash for groceries idea, you could take out cash each month and use it just for extra things. That way, it's already accounted for in your budget.

Linz said...

Steph...I TOTALLY have this problem. I actually think what you did was okay...those are some killer prices. Sometimes I try to organize my babe's clothes into sizes so I can visually see "Okay, I really don't need any more dresses for this size", or whatever. That way I can at least choose not to buy a bargain dress and save some money that way.

It is soooo hard. I too get an adrenaline rush out of it, especially with baby clothes.

Hmmm...I don't think I helped. But you have made me think so that's good.

Kage said...

My friend was a fashion design major and one of the activities she had to do was figure out the price per wear of every item in her closet. What you paid divided by how many times you have worn it. A 200 dollar coat ended up costing less than a "great deal" she got on a $6.99 shirt...b/c of how much she wore them.

Buy smart.

I saved about 20 bucks the other day b/c I was holding about 3 GOOD DEALS, but I didn't really like them when I really asked myself. Her philosophy has really helped me feel good about all purchases, especially a little more expensive ones....

Liz said...

I buy ahead and do what Linz does-I keep a running "inventory" estimate in my head so I'm working on the right ages and categories-like, I know I need more jammies for size four so these clearance ones will be great. But I also try not to get too ahead of myself because I know something will be cuter when we get to that size! :)

Unknown said...

Liz!! You're buying for size 4 already?!? I'm not even buying size 4s yet, and my girl is 3. You crack me up! :)

Liz said...

No! It was an example! :) I have a dress or two in that size. That's it! :)

Linz said...

Kage, thanks for sharing that. I had never heard that insight and it helps.

Amanda said...

Hmm... I think one way to avoid having to use restraint when shopping is to find something else to do. I am in a new position - we have moved and have to live on less than half of what we were living on before... of course some shopping still needs to be done, but it is a lot easier to resist temptation when you are not at a store. Shopping is fun, but so is playing at the park, going to the library, etc. Just an idea.

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the tip Kage. So true! How many times have I bought a shirt for myself because it was $5, and then never wore it?! And Cramster, also a good point. I could resist temptation when shopping a lot better if I don't go to the store! lol.