Friday, November 2, 2007

Crush the Turtle

Here's the front and back view of Bauer's costume. I put so much thought into him being Crush and he only wore the costume twice. He really didn't like being in it and would slowly take off one piece of his costume at a time until he was in his Wal-mart clearance sweatpants and t-shirt. No mom wants their child to wear that as a costume! So, after forcing him to wear the turtle costume twice we decided to just let him wear his Superman pj's for a Halloween party we went to and trick-or-treating. Now that I know how happy that made him maybe I'll just get pajama's every year!

You can't really tell but I slicked his hair back and plastered one little curl in the middle of his forehead. It was so cute!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I love the little Nemo on his back!