Monday, November 5, 2007

Developing a Relationship with your Pediatrician

I read this post about developing a relationship with your pedi on tutus and turtles. They review kids' stuff and often have great discounts. It's fun to check out. I liked this post because I think it's totally true! I love our pediatrician and I'm totally bummed that we're probably moving soon and I'll have to start from scratch with a new one! One thing they talk about is making sure you're getting your advice from your doctor and not just from researching the internet! I'm so guilty of this one but I also totally agree. Anyway, enjoy!

1 comment:

Claire said...

That is a great post. We have a wonderful pediatrician, (He was my husband's pediatrician!!) but I have a lot of friends who don't like their ped. and won't put the work into changing to a new one. I can't imagine taking Cecelia to a doctor I wasn't 100% comfortable with. Good luck finding a new one when you move!