Saturday, February 9, 2008


So... Anyone have any ideas/theories about the new season so far?? I have enjoyed it and am very curious about the introduction of the new group from the boat. Why is this group (possibly from Darma?) after Ben? Perhaps because he was instrumental in gassing them all and joining the hostiles? And who are the hostiles anyway? Post comments!!


Liz said...

I am liking it so far too! I have to admit, I wanted more answers from the "rescue" group but I guess that would be boring. I found it interesting that they all had ties (not all clear ones though) to the wreckage and Dharma. I'm wondering if they're Dharma and mad because Ben's splintered off because they obviously know a lot about him and the group there. When are they going to get smart enough though to not let Ben get a gun from people? How carefully do you have to watch to keep him from getting a gun out of someone's waistband when he shouldn't be able to wipe his own nose????

Is Walt a manifestation of Jacob? What do people think Jacob is?

What about the whole thing that the "everyone on 815 is dead" thing is now looking like a coverup. I'm hoping that will quash the "this is all just purgatory" theory. I don't think they're dead. How could they go back to the real world then? :)

who is the black guy that commissions the "rescue" group but is also then chasing Hurley????

sorry, no answers here, just more questions! :)

kristi said...

As usual, lost makes me well lost. I am happy though that so far I have been high entertained and am really enjoying the season so far. I have no answers. Sorry.

Amanda said...

I just like to hear other peoples theories.

I agree about the whole Jacob thing. I wonder if Walt and Michael ever left the island. And how about Hurley seeing Jacob's cabin? Now Ben knows that Hurley could have a connection with Jacob.

My sister thinks that Kate isn't one of the Oceanic 6 - that she is a ghost seen by Jack in his drunken state. She figures that since Hurley saw Charlie, it would be possible for other characters to "see" ghosts/dead people.

I wonder if the rescue group is the writers way of giving us more info. Miles is some kind of paranormal specialist... Daniel deals with physics (maybe he'll help answer about the electromagnetic field, black cloud that Locke saw, etc.)

Joni said...

I'm wondering about the hostiles too. Have you noticed that guy (dark hair, thick eyebrows) was the same age when Ben was a kid as he is now and that he was the one who convinced Juliette to come along?

Liz said...

If Walt never left the island, why is he so much bigger (besides the logical, he grew between seasons answer) because Jack even admits he's taller?