So Cramster and I have been emailing back and forth about weight loss for the past few weeks and one of our main complaints is how hard it is to stay motivated! We both have a similar problem. At night, when we are getting ready for bed, we have big plans for the upcoming day... healthy breakfast loaded with protein, a brisk 30 minute jog followed by 30 minutes of yoga, a good lunch, maybe an afternoon walk to the park with the little ones, a yummy and nutritious dinner and no large bowl of ice cream before heading to bed! Of course, then morning comes and we feel lucky if we manage to down a can of soda, never mind a well balanced breakfast. And exercise... isn't chasing a one year old around enough of a work out!? By the time dinner rolls around, it takes everything in us to not just drive through McDonalds and thoughts that bowl of ice cream is what's been keeping us going most of the day!
So, we've decided that we need some support, and what better place to get it than with our fabulous Sugar and Spice girlfriends! Which brings us to the kick off of Sugar and Spice Biggest Loser! Here's how it'll work...
* S&S Biggest Loser will be a 12 week program beginning this Tuesday, May 13th.
* Anyone is welcome to participate. You don't have to reveal your exact weight... just share with us how much you are going to try to lose. (For our pregnant and breastfeeding friends out there... feel free to join us in living a healthier lifestyle, rather than losing weight! We would love for everyone to participate!)
* Each Tuesday we will have "weigh ins". You don't actually have to weigh yourself on Tuesday... for example- Cramster's weigh in day is Saturdays, Tuesday will just be the day that we all share our progress.
* Whenever you see a weigh in post, just leave a comment sharing how much closer you've come to your goal. For example "I've lost another pound!! Woohoo! (Lost: 3/Goal: 15)".
* On Tuesdays we will also post a Tips, Tricks & Thoughts post. This is where we will share ideas, recipes, healthy living facts, etc.
* On Thursdays Cramster will post a weekly challenge. Each week she will give us something new to try for the upcoming week, and we can all report on how our challenge from the past week went.
That about sums it up! So for this week, everyone who wants to participate can just leave a comment sharing their goal. And remember, your goal doesn't have to be just weight related. For example, I'd love to lose some pounds, but more importantly to me, I want to tone up the flubber that has made residence around my belly and thighs since having a baby! I'd also love to make steps towards having a healthier lifestyle... So tell us what your goals are. And in 12 weeks, hopefully we'll all be winners!!
What a great idea!!! I just got into the show the biggest loser at the end of last season and it totally inspired me! 4 weeks ago I bought a new scale and started weighing myself every Wednesday morning and so far I am down 10 pounds. The last week or so with my birthday and mother's day my motivation and will power has taken a nose dive and I was looking for something to bring that back. Thanks for this idea and I am so excited to get back going on my weight loss. My goal is to lose another 15 pounds! I know that sounds like a lot, but I still have 37 pounds total to go to get to my weight when I got married. (Yikes, that is embarrassing!) Good luck everyone!
What a great idea! I hope there's a round two when I've had the baby!
This is cool. I'm excited to the "tips" day. I might not participate until later. Got to have this baby first. But I could probably log a good weight loss after labor!
Way to go Molly!
I am excited to see what I can accomplish along with all my S&S Sistaz!!!
I'm working to lose 10 lbs and of course, be healthier overall!! I make a ton of unhealthy choices being a stay at home mom... the ice cream just calls to me! Especially as the temp in AZ is rising!! :D
I have 7 pounds to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I can't wait for my double jogging stroller to be delivered!
Just to make everyone jealous of Katie, she only has 7 pounds to go and she had her baby, oh let me see, 10 days ago!! I would beat her myself if she wasn't my sister!!
Well, I will be having my baby in a week and a half so, I can't quite participate yet.
Count me in for 10. Great idea ladies!
LOL! well if I would have looked harder before asking the question I would have found this post! Great job getting a support group together! Its better with help.
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