Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bomb threats

So one of my beehives was telling me yesterday that there was a bomb threat at her school recently and it was dated to happen today. She also said that the threat included bringing a gun to school if for some reason the bomb failed. She said a bunch of kids weren't going to go school and she didn't know yet if she was going. What if there was a bomb threat at your child's school and you knew about it in advance? Would you send your child to school that day?


Katie said...

I'll answer my own question. I came home and talked about it with my husband and we both agreed that if this were the situation at our child's school that although we thought that it most likely would not happen it wasn't worth taking that chance with our child's life. It would freak me out knowing that there was a kid with enough issues that he would even make the threat even if it turned our to be an idle one that I would not hesitate for a minute about keeping my child out of school that day. If it became a recurring situation I'm not sure how we would handle that just yet, but hopefully, this never becomes an issue.

Aubreydoll said...

Well, if the school knows about it shouldn't they do something about it? There was a bomb threat when I was in high school and they cleared the place out and had the police search it. Obviously you can't fall for it every time, but it's not something to take lightly.

In answer to your question, if we did know about it in advance we'd probably keep our child home, too. You just never know with kids these days, this kind of stuff seems to be happening more frequently.

Claire said...

HECK YES I would keep her home. I am scared to death of sending Cecelia (and future children) to public school anyway. Its becoming such a scary place to be. And honestly, with my husband's line of work, I know far more about what's going on in public schools these days than I care to know... We are SERIOUSLY considering home schooling. Its sad that things like this are happening, that our children aren't safe at school, or even at church!

Liz said...

I would totally keep my child home!

highdeekay said...

I would make sure the school knew about it and if they didn't cancel school, I'd keep her home anyway.

Jen L said...

I agree with everything that has been said... we had numerous bomb threats in middle/high school and everytime it happened, we were all put on a bus until the police came in with dogs and searched the place.

There is no question, I would definitely not let my child go to school. It is not worth taking the chance.