Saturday, May 24, 2008


My aunt who's a school nurse told me last night that you're supposed to have fresh sunblock every year. I so did not know that and have ancient sunblock that I still use! She said there was a study on its effectiveness and that it needs to be brand new each year. So buy little bottles!!

She also shed light on how spf works. (you may all know this but I didn't) The spf means that it will keep you protected "xx" times more than nothing at all. So if you're wearing spf 15, it will keep you 15 times more protected than nothing. So, since she's fair skinned, she said she would burn after a minute in the sun and so spf 15 would keep her protected for 15 minutes and then need to reapply. I'm more olive skinned and burn less easily so I'm guessing it would keep me protected longer. Kind of interesting...


Kage said...

Don't buy little bottles, wear my sunscreen! I go through multiple bottles a 4 to 5.

Kage said...

I meant MORE sunscreen, not MY sunscreen...sorry.

Linz said...

Definitely...use it all the time! I like the sprays because they don't take as long to apply and aren't as sticky.

Claire said...

Thanks for the good info!! Just the other day I was wondering if sunblock has an expiration date... I got ours out from last year and the consistancy had changed. I figured that's not a good thing!

Crystal said...

The FDA guidelines are to use it or replace it by the expiration date on the bottle, or if no expiration dates is given, then within 3 years. I think companies are supposed to either give an expiration date or a manufacturing date. Either way, check your bottles for the date listed at time of purchase to make sure you aren't getting a bottle from the end of last years batch!