Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kids and money

What do you do or plan to do to teach your kids about money? Will you/do you give an allowance?


kristi said...

I would like to do an allowance for my kids at some point, I just don't know when. I haven't really thought about it that much. I would need to make a chore chart first because I won't give them an allowance for nothing.

Liz said...

I was the weird child in my house growing up that fought AGAINST allowances. My brothers wanted one but I thought that my parents' feeding and clothing us was enough payback for doing some chores. Can we say brown noser???? :)

Now that I'm a parent, I do want them to have ways to earn money so that they can learn about saving, spending, tithing, etc. so we've talked about having an in between where there's almost levels-a basic, you have to do this every week because you're a part of this family and then higher levels where if you go above and beyond you can earn money. We'll see how that evolves as our kids get old enough to actually do that!

When do you start chores with your kids???

Linz said...

I'd like to do allowance. I think it's inevitable that there will always be toys and stuff that my kids want. I think it would be great if they could earn that money and pay for the toy they want. Some things should just be part of the family. For instance, when I was growing up, I babysat my younger sibs and that was just to be expected and I did it without pay.

This topic will be very interesting to me as my kids get older. A lot of kids just get what they want from their parents and have so much STUFF. It will be hard for my kids to see that and want the same, but I'm going to try and fight that in a positive way.

I'd like to really teach my kids a lot before they go to college like the power of savings and the advantages to looking for good deals, how to pay bills, and the scariness of credit cards.

highdeekay said...

Interesting question. Just last night I was discussing with our home teacher whether or not kids should be encouraged to pay tithing on allowance. I think the number one reason for having an allowance is to teach money management. And, I think the number one principle of money management is tithing. He thinks that the money has been tithed and so kids shouldn't pay on it. What do you think?

kristi said...

I think that if it is money that your children have earned than they should definitely pay tithing on it.

Linz said...

I agree, let them practice tithing. The more blessings to the family the better!

John said...

I thought I'd throw in my two cents as well. I have a program based on a DVD that I created, "The Money Mammals: Saving Money Is Fun," that makes youth financial literacy just The DVD is song-filled and values-based so it's very appropriate for kids and for the church. I also recently began to test-market a new "Value of Money" package that includes the DVD, customizable banks and a great workbook called "Allowance Magic" by David McCurrach. It's available at I hope it's ok that I'm posting about a product, but I'm only doing so because I believe in it and think that you and your children could benefit from it. You can also email me at with any questions.

Claire said...

I remember someone telling me once that children these days have a somewhat skewed view of money because they so rarely see their parents using it. We've become a very "plastic" based society. Suggestions that I've read to help teach children about money is to use cash, or to let even your young children watch you keep a check register and balance a checkbook.

Cecelia LOVES to help me with everything I do, so when we grocery shop, I let her give the cashier the money. She thinks its great fun, and hopefully it'll be the very beginning steps of her learning how money works. We plan to provide ways for her to earn money, whether an allowance or just offering her jobs that she can do, in order to allow her to learn about money. 10% will go to tithing, then the rest will be divided between savings and spending.

Liz said...

Yes, i think they should pay tithing on it. And Claire, it was actually one of my chores to help my parents balance their checkbook when I was around 10-15 years old! I have to admit, it hasn't made me any less lazy when it comes to balancing my own though! :)

Linz said...

That sounds like a fab product, John.

Claire said...

I can't stand to balance my checkbook...but I found an awesome check book register online at I LOVE it... Its an excel spreadsheet, so it automatically adds and subtracts numbers for me. Without it, my checkbook would seriously, NEVER be balanced!

Julianne said...

As I've said before, my kids are 9,6,3, and 1 (my baby is one today, actually). :-)

As for allowance, we do give it to our older two children (our 3 year old sometimes wants some, too, so we'll give her $1 or something). They each get $6 every two weeks. That's how often we get paid, so it makes it easy. They do have to earn it, and they do pay tithing on it FIRST! I put a $5 bill, change and a tithing envelope on the counter on allowance days.

Overall, I think allowance is WONDERFUL!! When we go to the store, I never get any "I wants," because they know the answer is save your allowance money. My son wants a Wii, and has been saving for it since Christmas. He only has $30 left to go, and I'm so proud of him. What a great lesson he las learned, and he'll appreciate it so much more than all the kids that get whatever they want!!

Jen L said...

I agree with a lot that has been said!

We have much the same thought as Liz&meg. We want our kids to know that there are some things that you just do because you are a part of a family. But if they decide to do extra then they will get paid. We don't want them to grow up thinking you can get something for nothing, but still balance that out with a good work ethic being worth more than money. We'll see how it goes since Margaret is only 18 months, we still have a little while.

I definitely think kids should pay tithing. Tithing isn't about the money being tithed, it's about obedience, faith and your increase! And allowance is our kid's increase. Though I must say, I've never heard that argument before.

As far as chores, Margaret has "chores" already. Every time we unload the dishwasher, or I do laundry I have her help. We make it fun so I don't consider it a "chore" as much as something she gets to help mommy do. I know a lot of parents disagree about giving children responsibility SOO young, but we want her to learn young.