Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wednesday Weekly

Do you eat breakfast? If so, what do you usually eat?


Claire said...

Not usually. When I do, I like yogurt or a grapefruit. I'm not a huge fan of eating something heavy when I first get up. I love breakfast foods though... but for lunch or dinner.

Natalie said...

Kashi Go Lean-I didn't like it at first, but it's really really healthy, so I go with it first!! (Unless my husbands sugary cereals tempt me)

The Schacher Family said...

Bowl of cereal or granola bar.

Bethany said...

I always eat breakfast and it's always a bowl of cereal - usually Raisin Bran, Wheat Chex, or Grape Nuts.

Tiffany said...

homemade oatmeal with brown sugar, maple syrup and lots of milk! i love it!

stacibee said...

I LOVE cereal. A piece of toast with an egg is really yummy too.

Stephanie said...

I always eat breakfast, and it's usually cereal (unless my hubby treats me by making french toast or pancakes!)

highdeekay said...

Always. Most often - cereal but also pancakes/waffles or eggs.

Linz said...

I've never been able to do without it. I like cereal or whole grain toast and a banana.

kristi said...

I love breakfast, it is my most favorite meal of the day!!!!! Cereal is my #1 and I like a VERY wide variety of it.

Aubreydoll said...

Almost always! Usually cereal, my favorites being Frosted Mini-Wheats or Life. Yum!!

katie said...

Cereal is my favorite food! Can't miss breakfast!

Unknown said...

I always eat b'fast, but cold cereal doesn't fill me up anymore. I either like oatmeal or fruit and a whole wheat bagel (Lender's is our fave).

Bethany said...

Homemade oatmeal w/ brown sugar and a banana on the side. Sometimes we'll have yogurt or a bagel along with it. My son and I eat the same thing every day. If I run out of oatmeal I'll have cereal. I love Life and Cheerios with Bananas.

Chantel said...

I have a hard time eating a big breakfast in the morning, so I usually drink a diet shake when I wake up and eat something more solid for 10 o'clock snack time.