Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wednesday Weekly

What is the worst injury you have ever had?


Liz said...

i broke my ankle three times over three months. It would get better enough to go in a walking cast and then out of that and immediately I'd twist it and rebreak it again!
my worst illness was my senior year of high school where i spent three weeks in the hospital with an unknown illness that it then took my doctors six months to figure out what was wrong with me. worst year of my life!

Chantel said...

Luckily I have never had anything too serious happen, but I have sprained my ankle a couple of times, the worst being when I was sick with morning sickness. It really was no fun to throw up using crutches.

Stephanie said...

I broke my nose in high school, and had to have surgery to repair it. I realize it's not life threatening or anything, but it's pretty traumatic to have a part of your face smashed in! I still freak out when my nose even gets bumped!

Linz said...

In 8th grade I was working on becoming more flexible because I was a dancer in a musical and couldn't kick very high. I was working towards doing the splits and could almost do it if I moved very slowly. At a sleepover, a friend wanted to see my progress. I felt embarassed slipping into the splits slowly so I did it fast and heard a loud pop. I basically sheared some kind of bone off my pelvis. I just had to be on crutches for a month or so and it healed. That was probably the most pain I had ever felt. I basically collapsed on the floor soon after the POP and was taken away in an ambulance. That was the bumpiest ride of my life! I learned from this experience that some people are truly not meant to ever do the splits!

Bethany said...

Baby #1 - 4th degree tear. OUCH!

The Schacher Family said...

I haven't been injured much but the worst was when my friend flung one of those reflectors they stick in the ground and it hit my eye. It was gushing blood everywhere and I had to get stiches. My neighbor felt so bad that he wouldn't talk to me for a few days. I think I was only 5 or 6.

Aubreydoll said...

The worst injury I've had (that wasn't a c-section since I guess that's not technically an injury!) was when I broke my collar bone when I was 3 or 4. I was sliding across a pillow on the floor and it slipped out from underneath me and I slammed my shoulder right into the tile floor. Ouch!!

Can I also say a big ouch to Liz for breaking her ankle three times in a matter of months!!

Amanda said...

I am pretty fortunate. The worst for me was 5 stitches in my hand after I accidentally broke a window.

Katie Roll said...

I was in a tragic sledding accident (during a ward activity) in which I broke my leg in one place and my ankle in two places. Several of the ladies from this blog were there to witness it, and 2 of them were on the sled with me:) I laughed and thought it was funny at first when I fell off, until I realized that I was actually hurt. The ambulance couldn't come down into the valley where we were, so they had to strap my stretcher to a sled and drag me out...2 surgeries and 7 years later my ankle still hurts when I exercise...but honestly I think I'd rather go through that again than another pregnancy...

Katie Roll said...

Oh yeah, and Steph and Linz - your stories brought smiles to my face! I remember the night like we got together and told all our fall/klutz stories; I don't know if I've laughed that much since:)

kristi said...

I guess my worst injury would be when I broke my arm jumping off the monkey bars when I was in 6th grade. I have also been smacked in the face with a board from a park bench which hurt pretty bad. I jumped up onto the bench, but the board wasn't nailed down on the other side so it flew up and hit me in the face. Luckily I didn't lose any teeth.

Stephanie said...

I don't know what you're talking about Katie. I've never been anything but graceful and coordinated...

Claire said...

I've been very lucky to not have many injuries in my life (knock on wood!). I was in a car accident my senior year of high school and I cracked a rib or two... very painful. And exactly three years ago, during my final run of the snowboarding season, I hit a patch of ice and fell. I hit the ground head first. I didn't ever go to the hospital which I probably should have as there is a pretty good chance I had a mild concussion. I also had back pain for quite awhile after that. I have also chipped cartilage in my knee while running... those are the three worst I can think of, and honestly, none of them were really all that bad...

Linz said...

Katie R.--Ugh. I can't believe it still hurts you. I am sooooooo sorry.