Saturday, March 29, 2008

What are your views on guns?

I very much dislike guns... which makes life interesting as far as Scott's job goes! Scott carrying his weapon at all times has taken quite a bit of getting use to for me. To this day, I have still never held any of his weapons... I know I need to get over my fear of guns, and learn to use them and be safe around them, especially if I want to teach my children gun safety.

I've always planned to not have toys guns in our home as I'm a firm believer that guns are anything but toys. Now though, my thoughts on how to handle guns have changed quite a bit since we have several in our home. From an early age, Cecelia and future children will participate in gun safety courses, they will go out shooting with their dad so they know how to properly use a gun and also so they learn not to be scared of them the way I am!! I want them to learn respect for guns and I want it to be very well understood that they are not to EVER touch the guns in our home without their father around. (FYI- we have a gun safe at our house and one at my in laws. Our gun safe travels with us, and we never leave the gun out in the open, even for a moment)

I'm wondering what your view are on guns? Do you or will you allow your children to play with toy guns? Do you have guns in your homes? What are you/have you taught your children when it comes to guns and gun safety?


The Schacher Family said...

Well I love squirt guns so we will have toy guns in our house. If my children were playing war or fighting aliens or something they may want to use a gun but I will also teach gun safety even with toy guns. (we don't point them at people) My think is boys will be boys and even if you don't have a toy gun in your house they will fine something to represent a gun and play with.

I think in this day and age you almost have to teach your children gun safety because even if you don't have guns maybe a neighbor does. I probably should take a gun safety class myself so that I can teach my children.

As far as real guns in the home I never thought I would have one in my house but my husband wants one so I know eventually one day we will have a gun. It will also be in a safe with a double lock. My children will also be taught that they do not touch the gun without Daddy around. I still kind of hope we don't have a gun because it does make me nervous but I am afraid it will happen anyways.

By the way it was weird for me to get used to Scott having his gun all the time too! But hey I felt safer with him around!

Bethany said...

I totally agree 100% about taking a gun safety course. I am afraid of guns. I'm more afraid of the noise, actually, than of the bullet. I should take a safety course. Does anyone know where something like that can be done? I went shooting with my husband and my once. I stood in the stall, shot twice I think, one of the cases of a bullet hit the side of the stall and hit my head, I about freaked out. (I wasn't hurt) I put the gun down, turned around and started crying. (I'm a wimp, I know) But it really freaked me out. I was surprised how hard it was to pull the trigger (not emotionally hard but the trigger was actually very stiff). My thoughts are, and I think this is a quote from somewhere--"Guns don't kill people, people kill people." The gun is like the "messenger", if you will. Guns are dangerous because people are around...People who use them unwisely and unsafely. I think that guns are a good source of protection, but shouldn't be used lightly. My children will probably go shooting with their Dad and it doesn't bother me at all. If they want to hunt, thats fine by me too, but thats probably a whole other topic. Perhaps taking a gun safety course should become as commonplace as a CPR and first aid course.

I do not think that guns should be banned from civilians. It's everyones right to have a gun if they want to. Unfortunately, I don't think there will ever be a time when all guns are purchased legally. Until Jesus Christ returns to earth again Satan will always have influence and someone out there will be listening.

Hope said...

I visit this blog frequently and I know so many of you that I hope it's okay that I comment :)

My husband's cousin was killed by a gun in a hunting accident. I am so against guns as toys! For me there is nothing funny/fun about them. I feel for me and my family that it is wrong for me to teach safety and caution with guns and then let my child play with one. Some real guns look fake, and fake look real.

Kurt is adament that guns will be in the home, but locked up in more than a glass cabinet! I want them in a fireproof safe.

I am with you Claire. Gun safety courses and go out shooting with Dad so they aren't afraid like I am. Education is the key to safety.

Troy said...

There was a study done, where parents who did not want their children to be part of the stereotypical male/female roles, gave their sons dolls and their daughters trucks.

And you know what always happened?

The little boys turned the dolls into guns or swords and the little girls gave their trucks names, tucked them into bed, and invited them to tea parties!

I am personally against having any toy guns, but I have seen this study in reality. My kindergarten boys were always turning blocks and linking cubes into guns, and I was constantly redirecting them to turn them into something else. So, I guess gun safety is a good idea. Sometime in each child's life, they are going to see a gun on TV or at a friend's house. As much as I would like my children to never find out about guns and have "gunplay," it's kind of inevitable, so better to learn gun safety!

Lindsey said...

Oops the post above was really from me, I was accidently signed in under my husband.

Liz said...

I have watched my brothers and nephews "create guns" like you've all mentioned and it does seem almost innate! however, I don't want them in my house and I don't want my kids exposed to them except to teach about the dangers and the rules of how to handle and keep safe from them. I don't want them to be ignorant and therefore curious and end up in a disaster but I also don't really like the idea of seeing it as a sport. Luckily, I married someone who's not a fan either so we won't have them in our home.