Monday, January 29, 2007

Ever Wonder What Your Baby's REALLY Saying????

I was showing Lindsay and Laura some of Megan's new tricks on Saturday night. I taught her to sign and she's finally starting to do it on her own! She can ask for "more", "milk", "all done", and "eat". I want to teach her more signs and it's fun now because she'll actually imitate them! I signed off and on to her the same three basic signs-more, milk and all done-from the time she was born but was never diligent until about six months old. At about Thanksgiving, around 9 months, she started imitating them and then at Christmas, she started signing spontaneously! Now, as soon as I lift her out of the crib, she signing for "milk" and in between bites she's asking for "more"! One website that was recommended to me is

1 comment:

Linz said...

Yeah! Thank you for posting this!