Friday, February 27, 2009
Separation Anxiety
So, my question is, should I start bringing him consistently and hope that he will just adjust (and endure the heartbreak of knowing he is sobbing the entire time I'm away) or just wait until he gets older (and risk that it will just keep getting harder and also not allow myself to have some unattached time)? What has worked for you?
More questions...
Also- kind of the same page, I have decided that once I return to 'normal', I am planning on spending some money and actually going somewhere and getting fitted for a correct fitting bra. As someone who is not small chested, I would love a good supporting bra that actually fits. Have any of you ever done this before and had success and where did you go? Macy's, Victoria's Secret (slight cringe)? Again, sorry for TMI!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Spotlight: Liz&Meg
1. What is your age and physical description? I'm a round 29 year old with dark hair and dark eyes.

2. Where were you born and where are you now? Minneapolis, MN and now I'm in Little Rock
3. What do you do for a living? I work at a private school for kids with Down Syndrome and Autism as a speech therapist two days a week
4. What is your favorite and least favorite color? favorites-there are too many but I gravitate toward blues, yellows and pinks, least favorite-I like orange but it looks terrible on me!
5. Did you go to college and get a degree, If so, where & what? I went to Utah State for my undergrad and the University of Minnesota for grad school
6. How many children do you have? How old are they? I have two girls-one just turned three and the other just had her six month birthday
7. What’s your favorite and least favorite food? another tough one-I'm easy to please! I looooove spaghetti and most pasta dishes, sadly, anything fried, I probably love it, least favorite-lima beans, definitely
8. Are you right or left handed? right handed but my little little girl is showing some left hand dominance that surprises me!
9. Do you play any instruments? I am a mediocre musician. I can plunk out easy stuff on the piano and I love to sing but am untrained in it
10. What are your hobbies? I love to sew, read, scrapbook, crochet, blog, snuggle with my girls and hubby. I make bags and recently I've fallen in love with making cute things for my girls to wear!
Make You Think...
11. What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a teacher during school, in college I wanted to be a doctor but didn't want to be in residency forever and wanted to not have crazy hours so I discovered speech therapy and think it's the best of both worlds!
12. What is your biggest fear? losing my girls
13. Who has touched your life and influenced you the most and why? my Mom, I think she's wonderful and talented, I love the things that I like her in and wish that I were as smiley, organized, spiritual, resilient and amazing as she is... maybe someday!
14. If you could accomplish just one thing with your life, what would that be and why? to be a "glass half full" kind of girl instead of the opposite and share that with everyone around me (see number 13)
15. What is your worst habit and if you could quit it, would you? biting my cuticles and my cheek, yes on the first, but the second only so my dad will quit nagging me about it :)
16. Who would play you in the movie of your life? Who would play your husband? i have loved everyone's answers on this but can't come up with my own- I'm drawing a complete blank!
17. What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life and why? lots of princess songs because of my girls who live on disney princesses and my childhood, teenage years-a lot of Tori Amos and Cranberries and Dave Matthews, college-Dido, U2, motherhood-KT Tunstall, Coldplay, the Twilight soundtrack
18. If you could meet any one person in history, who would it be, and why? Brigham Young, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Mormon and Moroni, that's more than one, sorry, I would love to ask what their life was really like
19. If you lost everything you have tomorrow, what three things would you save and why? do I automatically get my family? After that it would be my scriptures, my backup CDs with all my photos on them, and my file of papers
20. What is your favorite quote and why?
Just For Fun
21. Do you sleep with the closet door open or closed? open, the other day we closed it after we cleaned our room and it was so cold in there the next morning!
22. What is your biggest pet peeve? interrupting, and i do it myself and hate it in myself!
23. Where are the top three places you'd like to travel to? more of Europe, Washington DC, and Fiji
24. Do you ever dance for no reason even though there’s no music playing? yes, in the kitchen
25. What size is your bed? queen-we had a king in Utah (living at my grandma's condo) and I looooved it. There is a king size bed in our future, for sure!
26. What do you drink with dinner? usually water, but there are some meals that milk just tastes so yummy with... and some that require a cherry coke zero, like pizza and sushi
27. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? sweet home alabama, shall we dance?, pride and prejudice, the italian job
28. What was the first concert you went to? billy joel and elton john (I was fourteen and my dad gave me tickets he'd gotten from a drug rep and so when I showed up with my good friend/YW leader, they told us we were in the wrong seats!)
29. What is on your perfect pizza? It's Papa Murphy's Gourmet vegetarian with chicken added
30. What's the most exotic place you've traveled to? Tiajuana, Mexico... just kidding, but i have been there. It would probably be Hawaii or London.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday Weekly
2. When you take a shower do you wash your hair first or your body?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Weaning advice needed!!
a. She eats solids like a champ
b. She does pretty well drinking whole milk
c. I think my milk is slowly drying up anyways
d. When her 12 teeth chomp down on me, blood is usually drawn!
My son would never breastfeed so this is my first experience with weaning and I want to know what works best for you gals.
Right now she nurses maybe once or twice during the day, but not for very long. I am assuming this is because I don't have much milk right now. The only time she nurses and I think she is really getting anything is her early morning feeding she still does.
So, what do I do? Cold turkey it or what? Do I start giving her a bottle of milk in the early morning (4-5 am) (I know she doesn't need to eat then, it is her comfort thing) or just stop the early morning feed altogether (which I know I can do)? I think the only time she might really be upset is in the morning because during the day she barely nurses at all.
Any and all advice is welcome, I just want this to be as quick and painless as possible. Thanks!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Spotlight Member for February 23-March 1
Congratulations Liz! Click here to find the "official" survey. Copy and paste it into a new post, answer the questions, include a picture and publish it so we can all get to know you a little better.
Also- I will be out of town next Monday, so we will go a week without a spotlight member. Check back in two weeks for our next spotlight member.
"Special Numbers"
Art or Crafts?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Spicing Up Primary
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Uplifting break
To help her curls bounce
Blog Layout
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Susan's Spotlight Survey
1. What is your age and physical description?
Well I am 24 and currently have red hair, due to dye and hazel tired looking eyes. (those come from the kids in my life)I am average height and have a saggy belly from having a baby in October. Definitely need to work on getting rid of that!!
2. Where were you born and where are you now?
I was born in Pontiac, MI and currently I live in Provo, UT. I wish I was in MI! *tear*
3. What do you do for a living?
SAHM……I did work at a daycare before I had my second baby in oct.
4. What is your favorite and least favorite color?
Green is my favorite (Go MSU!) and I guess gray is my least favorite.
5. Did you go to college and get a degree, If so, where & what?
I am still in school. I went to MSU for a year and loved it. Now I am at UVU almost done with my associates in Early Childhood Education and planning to get a bachelors degree in Elementary Ed.
6. How many children do you have? How old are they?
Cedric who is 2 ½ and Katelyn who is 4 months
7. What’s your favorite and least favorite food?
Mashed potatoes…….they are my comfort food.
8. Are you right or left handed?
Right. Most normal people are. j/k
9. Do you play any instruments?
I played Clarinet until 10th grade.
10. What are your hobbies?
I love making little girl hairclips and bows!!
Make You Think...
11. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher…..I am still pretty much on track.
12. What is your biggest fear?
Losing one of my children! I don’t think I could bare it.
13. Who has touched your life and influenced you the most and why?
My Mom is the most influential. She is such a strong woman! I hope to be as spiritual and as strong as she is one day.
14. If you could accomplish just one thing with your life, what would that be and why?
I guess finishing school would be my big accomplishment. I hope I will get done sometime!
15. What is your worst habit and if you could quit it, would you?
Hmmm…biting my nails! I don’t think I would quit because what would I do if I was nervous?
16. Who would play you in the movie of your life? Who would play your husband?
Reese Witherspoon because she is cute and skinny and I wish I looked like her! For my husband Brad Pitt because Brad Pitt is hot! Except if Brad Pitt was playing him I would play myself. No need to elaborate on why!
17. What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life and why?
Girls just want to have fun- I don’t know because I like to have fun.
18. If you could meet any one person in history, who would it be, and why?
I would love to meet… is hard to choose one! Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, George Washington, I would love to sit down and ask many people from history questions and just chat about their experiences.
19. If you lost everything you have tomorrow, what three things would you save and why?
computer- for the pictures and files on it, My money- to re buy everything, my family- because I love them and would want them with me
20. What is your favorite quote and why?
“Forget yourself and go to work.” When I am serving others it truly makes me happy!!
Just For Fun
21. Do you sleep with the closet door open or closed?
22. What is your biggest pet peeve?
mean people
23. Where are the top three places you'd like to travel to?
Mine are lame! Michigan, Virginia, and Arizona because the people I love the most live in those areas!
24. Do you ever dance for no reason even though there’s no music playing?
Of course!! Life would be no fun without a little dancing around now and again!
25. What size is your bed?
KING we need to king size though! I like space and we have a 2 year old in it with us most of the time!
26. What do you drink with dinner?
Water- I LOVE water!
27. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Corny I know but I love Legally Blonde and My Best Friends Wedding
28. What was the first concert you went to?
Backstreet boys baby!
29. What is on your perfect pizza?
Ham, black olives, and onion…..or….I love BBQ chicken pizza from Pier 49
30. What's the most exotic place you've traveled to?
I have been to England. But that’s not very exotic!
Hot Topics #2
I feel like this subject could be our Hot Topic for the next few weeks given how controversial the story is: Was implanting 6 embryos again ethical? How and who will be paying for these children? 3 of her 6 previous children suffer from learning disabilities, one of those being autism. How will she raise 14 children as a single mother? She's quoted as saying, "I was looking at myself, and acknowledged that I wasn't in love at all with him (her husband). I was in love with having children. She realized she didn't want to be married, she just wanted to be a mother. That meant finding a sperm donor." And the rest is history.
The pregnancy and birth of octuplets truly is a miracle. Each of the children seems to be healthy and growing each day. What are your thoughts?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Recognizing the Spirit in everyday life
No Pets Allowed!
Spotlight Member: February 15th-22nd
Susan, here is the "official survey". Copy & paste it into a new post, then answer the questions so we can all get to know you a little better! And feel free to post a picture of yourself so we can put a face with the name.
1. What is your age and physical description?
2. Where were you born and where are you now?
3. What do you do for a living?
4. What is your favorite and least favorite color?
5. Did you go to college and get a degree, If so, where & what?
6. How many children do you have? How old are they?
7. What’s your favorite and least favorite food?
8. Are you right or left handed?
9. Do you play any instruments?
10. What are your hobbies?
Make You Think...
11. What did you want to be when you grew up?
12. What is your biggest fear?
13. Who has touched your life and influenced you the most and why?
14. If you could accomplish just one thing with your life, what would that be and why?
15. What is your worst habit and if you could quit it, would you?
16. Who would play you in the movie of your life? Who would play your husband?
17. What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life and why?
18. If you could meet any one person in history, who would it be, and why?
19. If you lost everything you have tomorrow, what three things would you save and why?
20. What is your favorite quote and why?
Just For Fun
21. Do you sleep with the closet door open or closed?
22. What is your biggest pet peeve?
23. Where are the top three places you'd like to travel to?
24. Do you ever dance for no reason even though there’s no music playing?
25. What size is your bed?
26. What do you drink with dinner?
27. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
28. What was the first concert you went to?
29. What is on your perfect pizza?
30. What's the most exotic place you've traveled to?
Blog Layout
Tutu pattern
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Emailed FHE
Also, as I mentioned before, I really like using the new nursery manual as FHE lessons for Megan. They're just the right time limit for my two year old's attention span.
My friend did a really cute missionary activity once (it was in October of 2007 if you're looking for the Friend she mentioned) and she blogged about it here. Anyway, I thought it was a really cute idea and could work for a girl too!
Friday, February 13, 2009
FHE Friday: 101 Activities
(courtesy Okay, there are really 116 ideas but after a 101 who counts anymore? This list of Family Home Evening activities was handed out to our ward this Sunday in conjunction with a combined, fifth Sunday lesson for Relief Society/Priesthood entitled "Teaching the Gospel in the Family". Feel free to submit any other ideas that have been successful in your family. I will be adding appropriate links and additional ideas as I find them.
Visit the zoo.
Find out about your area's community center and/or park activities.
Wash the dog. (A neighbor's dog if you don't have one!)
Have a family slumber party.
Build a fort.
Get out the the family photo album.
Research your family history.
Visit the Genealogical library.
Play stickball.
Play hopscotch.
Play games.
Clean the house together (Have a pick-up party.)
Make up a play. Take it to a nursing home.
Fly kites.
Go on a family trip/historical excursion.
Did it snow? Go sledding and make a snowman.
Make a collage out of pictures from old magazines.
Set up a lemonade stand on a warm day.
Shoot hoops together. Play H.O.R.S.E.
Draw pictures of members of your family.
Make a family calendar.
Tell stories around a campfire. (Or at the barbecue?)
Organize a game of capture the flag.
Make miniature boats and float them in some water.
Write letters to grandparents or a missionary.
Play freeze-tag.
Tell scary stories (With lights out.)
Play broom ball.
Go for a hike.
Go for a bike ride together.
Go get ice cream and walk around the temple grounds.
Learn to play the guitar together.
Listen to classical music, lights off, lying on the floor, and take turns saying what it sounds like.
Attend community concerts or listen to a local band.
Organize a community clean-up.
Visit the library.
Go ice skating or roller skating.
Paint a picture, a mural or a room.
Learn how to use a compass.
Organize 72 hour kits.
Plant a tree or some flowers.
Learn the metric system.
Learn sign language.
Learn the Morse code.
Go swimming.
Go bird watching.
Walk the dog. (A neighbor's dog if you don't have one!)
Visit the countryside.
Visit the City. (Maybe on a bus?)
Pick berries/fruit together
Bake cookies or bread.
Make homemade jam.
Take treats to neighbors or friends.
Plant a garden.
Join a family choir.
Start a family journal.
Go to a museum.
Take a nature hike trail.
Play cards.
Start a family exercise group.
Sing (in the car).
Visit a local bookstore or library.
Make crafts together. Give them away.
Make Christmas ornaments together.
Write a story together.
Put a sleeping bag out in the back yard and watch the night sky through binoculars.
Go fishing.
Play touch football.
Have a culture night. Make a meal and learn about another culture.
Take photographs.
Invite friends over. Cook chinese.
Do yard work together.
Play Frisbee.
Make your own family cards for the holidays or birthdays.
Play chess, bridge or checkers.
Go camping.
Go for a long walk.
Play charades.
Do a rain dance.
Go around the table after dinner and have everyone say what they love best about each other.
Go dancing. Have a family dance. Take a dance class together.
Climb a tree.
Watch the sunset. Watch the sunrise. Figure out when the sun will rise and set in your location.
Have a big party and celebrate a TV free week.
Have a picnic. (If it's raining, have a picnic in the family room on a blanket.)
Invite a non-member family over for a barbecue.
Memorize the Articles of Faith.
Memorize a family hymn.
Learn how to fold the American Flag (or your country's flag). Have a patriotic night. Have a flag ceremony.
Visit and elder person or someone shut in.
Have a first-aid night. Invite other families. Call the fire department for a class.
Learn what to do if you are lost.
Have a budgeting class. Save for a family trip.
Learn how to build a fire and the cook hot dogs and enjoy.
Have an etiquette night. Practice your skills over a formal dinner.
Talk about drugs. Do role-playing.
Have a friend come and discuss good nutrition and health practices. (they don't listen to mom).
Learn home repairs for an activity. Make sure the girls learn too.
Prepare a family group sheet/four generation pedigree chart. Interview an older family member.
Start a family collection. (coins, rocks, stories, dress-up, clothes, treasures).
Have a family testimony meeting.
Have a bubble blowing contest.
Do bubbles outside. Try different instruments.
Have a baking contest
Adopt a grandma or grandpa from the ward.
Have a family fireside
Watch an old movie (maybe a western) together.
Make a family goal chart.
Have a service car wash.
Learn to play golf together.
Go miniature golfing.
Make a grocery list, set a budget, divide items, go get pizza with the money you save.
Make a family cook book.
Have a family treasure hunt.
Have a family dance. Everyone can bring partners.
Solve a crossword or wordsearch puzzle together.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Speaking in Church
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Valentine Ideas!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Beautiful Blog layout!
Jocelyn Christensen: Member Spotlight
What is your age and physical description?
I am 31 years old (4 foot 2, eyes of blue…) Just kidding, I’m 5’8, and fairly athletic although I did just have three babies in that many years, so cut me a little slack! I have blue eyes and various shades of light brown hair that as of late reaches to about my shoulders. Where ever I go complete strangers think that they know me from… somewhere. It’s always flattering. I hope it means that I connect well with people, but perhaps it just means that I look like a lot of other people out there!!
Where were you born and where are you now?
I was born in Cleveland, Ohio and lived in the same house all of my growing up years, just down the street from Lake Erie. I consider Washington, DC my second home. I spent the best years of my career there and met and married my husband there. Now we live in Lewisburg, PA (Just look at a map of PA and put your finger right in the center…that’s where we are!)
What do you do for a living?
I am a journalist by trade, a full-time stay-at-home mother for a living, a freelance writer for distraction and for fun.
What is your favorite and least favorite color?
I like jewel-tones (red, mauve, fuchsia, pinks)
Did you go to college and get a degree, If so, where & what?
I went to Miami University (where Laura Farkas and Wally Szczerbiak went and lots of other lovely people who I MISS terribly! I miss gawking at Wally in the dining hall.)
I got two bachelor degrees…Mass Comm and Poli Sci
How many children do you have? How old are they?
I have three babies – ages 3 years, 20 months, and 3 months
What’s your favorite and least favorite food?
Don’t even ask me that question…I am trying to lose my baby-fat!
Are you right or left handed?
Right-handed, of course! I am not creative enough to be a lefty!
Do you play any instruments?
I play the trumpet.
What are your hobbies?
My biggest hobby has always been NETWORKING. I love being connected to people. “Make new friends, but keep the old,” really stuck with me ever since Girl Scouts.
Writing…always writing.
I LOVE Volleyball…and miss playing a lot, since I’ve been in baby-mode.
Make You Think...
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Lots of things and everything all at once. i.e. a ballerina (wrong body-type), President of the United States (too complicated), a country singer (can’t sing that great!), a stay-at-home mother, a TV anchor, a CEO of some company… Obviously I had to learn to prioritize these dreams, but the TV news biz and Mommying seem to be working out well so far!
What is your biggest fear?
I fear not listening to my heart…because I know what happens when I fail to do that.
Who has touched your life and influenced you the most and why?
My parents – They are brave, stalwart, and have a lot of integrity.
Quiet people who teach me about Christ through their every-day actions…it is very humbling to me.
If you could accomplish just one thing with your life, what would that be and why?
Raise a righteous generation of leaders who will follow the Lord, lift the burdens of others, and make the world a better place. I want my family to turn out like the stripling warriors mentioned in the Book of Mormon. Just thinking about the lies that Satan tells people makes my blood boil (don’t even get me started!), so I kind of make it my business to stand for truth and righteousness every chance I get. It is my deep desire to do a good job of that during my lifetime.
What is your worst habit and if you could quit it, would you?
I truly wish I listened more and talked less! I get really excited and want to TALK to people and share my crazy stories…but that tends to make me a bad listener at times, and I feel bad about that! I really admire good listeners. Yes, I want to change that about myself for sure!
Who would play you in the movie of your life? Who would play your husband?
Oh my gosh, that is a tough question…I have NO IDEA. I have been told that I look like Jewel (that was a long time ago though!) and that chick from Every Day Italian. I don’t know if they represent my in any way except looks though...and that's even a stretch! Lance Armstrong would play my husband, because he’s totally in to biking – but my husband has less hair and a lot more admirable traits, I must say! (Yes, I realize none of those people are actually actors!)
What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life and why?
Definitely a mixed tape with every genre of music.
If you could meet any one person in history, who would it be, and why?
In history? Well, I have actually met a lot of people through my jobs in TV who MADE history and LIVED history. But I would really like to meet my great-great grandmother on my mother’s father’s side…Uh, I’m a bit stuck on her in my family history research. And I grow more curious about her every day…
If you lost everything you have tomorrow, what three things would you save and why?
(We’re not counting Family and Scriptures and Journals are we???)
Other than that…I’d save…nope that’s all I’d save.
What is your favorite quote and why?
I don’t really have one…but I have from time to time had my favorite “magic words” (i.e. toss him an ego bisquit, remember the tool of your trade, be strong) and I have lots of favorite movie quotes, such as "Nobody puts baby in a corner." "Change your stars..." and "I quit, Mr. White" (a prize if you know what movies I'm talking about!)
Just For Fun
Do you sleep with the closet door open or closed?
Closed…I don’t need that mess staring at me while I sleep, thank you!
What is your biggest pet peeve?
I don’t really have one…but snobbery makes me roll my eyes and infidelity makes me want to cry.
Where are the top three places you'd like to travel to?
England (again), Brazil, the moon.
Do you ever dance for no reason even though there’s no music playing?
There is always music playing in my head…and there is always a reason to dance! J
What size is your bed?
None of your business! LOL
What do you drink with dinner?
Water or milk
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Dirty Dancing (my husband hates it though!)
What was the first concert you went to?
Spin Doctors, Gin Blossoms, and Cracker – my older sister’s boyfriend took me at my mom’s request to keep me safe!
What is on your perfect pizza?
Pep and mushrooms
What's the most exotic place you've traveled to?
Exotic…nothing much to share in the travel department. Although, there are some very “exotic” places within the US that very few people get to see. I’m thinking of places I’ve been to while I worked in local and national news…a small scary town in Kentucky the morning after a stabbing, the living room of a beloved and famous gold-medal winning swimmer the day after she died (I got to hold her medals!), inside a White House press conference with President Clinton sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with my idols in the journalism world…and on and on. These are some of my favorite “exotic” places I have been to!
Spotlight Member: February 9-15
Jocelyn, we are so happy you are a member of Sugar & Spice!!!
Here is a copy of the "official survey". Just copy and paste it into a new post and share your answers with us. We can't wait to get to know you better.
What is your age and physical description?
Where were you born and where are you now?
What do you do for a living?
What is your favorite and least favorite color?
Did you go to college and get a degree, If so, where & what?
How many children do you have? How old are they?
What’s your favorite and least favorite food?
Are you right or left handed?
Do you play any instruments?
What are your hobbies?
Make You Think...
What did you want to be when you grew up?
What is your biggest fear?
Who has touched your life and influenced you the most and why?
If you could accomplish just one thing with your life, what would that be and why?
What is your worst habit and if you could quit it, would you?
Who would play you in the movie of your life? Who would play your husband?
What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life and why?
If you could meet any one person in history, who would it be, and why?
If you lost everything you have tomorrow, what three things would you save and why?
What is your favorite quote and why?
Just For Fun
Do you sleep with the closet door open or closed?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Where are the top three places you'd like to travel to?
Do you ever dance for no reason even though there’s no music playing?
What size is your bed?
What do you drink with dinner?
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
What was the first concert you went to?
What is on your perfect pizza?
What's the most exotic place you've traveled to?
Valentine's Dinner Ideas
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Easy Valentine Gifts

I got this in an e-newsletter from Real Simple.
Paint samples, playing cards, sponges, sugar packets, matches...
Original Purpose: Taking up space in your kitchen and desk drawers.
Aha! Use: It's all there, and now you know why you've never gotten around to throwing it out: a private, inexhaustible stock of Valentine-card-making props. Dead AAA batteries ("I get a charge out of you"), old lollipops ("I'm a sucker for you"), stray keys ("the key to my heart"). Sit yourself down and grab a pile of craft supplies — construction paper, scissors, markers, tape, X-Acto blade, large-eyed needle and strong thread (or dental floss!), doilies, ribbon saved from the last party. Don't worry about getting the edges straight. It's the message that counts.
Reward: Recycling with heart."
Friday, February 6, 2009
FHE Friday: The Kit!
Plan Ahead for FHE

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Calling All Writers...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wednesday Weekly
What is your calling in your ward?
Hot Topic #1

Hot Topics
Please feel free to share your thoughts, feelings and opinions about the given topic. I think that healthy discussion/debate is always a fantastic opportunity to learn and educate ourselves.
My Spotlight
What is your age and physical description?
26, 5’7”, longish brown hair and brown eyes
Where were you born and where are you now?
Colorado, Minneapolis
What do you do for a living?
I’m a Mom and teach early childhood music part-time
What is your favorite and least favorite color?
Sky blue, grey
Did you go to college and get a degree, If so, where & what?
Michigan State University, Music Education
How many children do you have? How old are they?
Two, ages two and 8 months
What’s your favorite and least favorite food?
Ice cream, Cold shrimp
Are you right or left handed?
Do you play any instruments?
What are your hobbies?
Blogging, cooking, running, singing, home video editing
Make You Think...
What did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was little I wanted to be a librarian
What is your biggest fear?
Losing someone I love
Who has touched your life and influenced you the most and why?
My mom
If you could accomplish just one thing with your life, what would that be and why?
I don’t know if I can answer this one, I always have like 20 million goals in my head at one time, but if my children all go through the temple, that will be pretty much awesome.
What is your worst habit and if you could quit it, would you?
I drink Diet Coke with lime (very much in moderation, but still, I probably am a little addicted), I want to quit but it’s a nice treat late afternoon when my mothering energy is spent. Also, I can not say no to a chocolate chip cookie. I don’t plan on quitting either anytime soon.
Who would play you in the movie of your life?
Who would play your husband?
Sandra Bullock and a bald Tom Hanks. I picked Sandra because she is often clumsy in her movies and a handful of people have told me I look a bit like her. Tom Hanks just seems so huggable and he’s just totally classic. My husband shaves his head and he’s HOT!
What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life and why?
I love Jazz standards, I don’t have a good reason for why it would be my soundtrack, but that would be so fun as my life soundtrack
If you could meet any one person in history, who would it be, and why?
Martin Luther King, Jr. That guy has just been my hero since I was like 10.
If you lost everything you have tomorrow, what three things would you save and why?
My photo CDs, journals, and my file with all of my important papers
What is your favorite quote and why?
“If it’s free, it’s for me!” My friend Julianne taught me that one. I just think it’s funny and I’m always striving to spend less.
Just For Fun
Do you sleep with the closet door open or closed?
Open, but closed looks so much better
What is your biggest pet peeve?
When you are talking to someone and they look away or start talking about something else and you are like, wow, they are not listening. Sometimes it even happens to me mid-story and I don’t even know how to finish it at that point because I feel completely awkward. I also don’t like when a woman looks me up and down right in front of my face. It makes me feel violated and/or fat. At least wait until my back is turned!
Where are the top three places you'd like to travel to?
Australia, Hawaii, Spain
Do you ever dance for no reason even though there’s no music playing?
Oh, heck yeah!
What size is your bed?
King, I love my bed so much. I wish we could spend more time together.
What do you drink with dinner?
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
The Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan, White Christmas, Elf
What was the first concert you went to?
New Kids on the Block, and I wasn’t even a big fan I swear, my friend just had extra tickets and we went with our sisters and our Dads. Hilarious.
What is on your perfect pizza?
What's the most exotic place you've traveled to?
Recipe Needed: Sugar Cookies
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Awesome Parenting {and life!} Motto
As I read it, I decided this is a piece of advice I want to take to heart. I tend to get pretty caught up in keeping my daughter's clothes stain free, or wanting to keep my home and life so organized that I find myself getting stressed over things that aren't important, that a month from now, I won't even remember. So I'm adopting this as my new motto and thought it was definitely worth sharing. Its probably not a new idea to a lot of you, but it was a light bulb moment for me!
Loaves and Fishes FHE lesson
My friend gave me this idea to teach the Loaves and Fishes story at FHE with bread and goldfish crackers. I tried it last night and I think it was a fun visual.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Spotlight Member
Without her, Sugar & Spice wouldn't exist, so thank you Linz for all you do and for making this site the awesome place it is!
Here's the "official" S&S Survey. Copy & paste it into a new post then answer the questions so we can all get to know more about you! :D We love you Linz!
What is your age and physical description?
Where were you born and where are you now?
What do you do for a living?
What is your favorite and least favorite color?
Did you go to college and get a degree, If so, where & what?
How many children do you have? How old are they?
What’s your favorite and least favorite food?
Are you right or left handed?
Do you play any instruments?
What are your hobbies?
Make You Think...
What did you want to be when you grew up?
What is your biggest fear?
Who has touched your life and influenced you the most and why?
If you could accomplish just one thing with your life, what would that be and why?
What is your worst habit and if you could quit it, would you?
Who would play you in the movie of your life? Who would play your husband?
What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life and why?
If you could meet any one person in history, who would it be, and why?
If you lost everything you have tomorrow, what three things would you save and why?
What is your favorite quote and why?
Just For Fun
Do you sleep with the closet door open or closed?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Where are the top three places you'd like to travel to?
Do you ever dance for no reason even though there’s no music playing?
What size is your bed?
What do you drink with dinner?
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
What was the first concert you went to?
What is on your perfect pizza?
What's the most exotic place you've traveled to?
New Sugar & Spice Feature: Spotlight Member
Feel free to post your congratulations to our Spotlight Member and ask her anything else you'd like to know about her in the comments section.
I hope you girls enjoy learning more about each other. I know I'm really excited to get to know each of you better.
Make it and LOVE it!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Family Home Evening February
President Faust said that children should learn the most about the gospel in their home, and that Sunday school and other church activities are to be a supplement.
Throughout this month please share:
-Successful FHE lessons you've had in your home
-Ideas for getting kids of all ages involved in FHE
-Fun activities and treats for FHE
-Other everyday ideas for teaching the gospel at home
-Successful gospel-learning experiences from your childhood or ideas you've gotten from other families
Please also post your questions on this topic!
Continue to also post your ideas and questions unrelated to this topic this month.
Yippee for Family Home Evening February!