Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Loaves and Fishes FHE lesson

So this is what FHE lessons are usually like: I start talking about Heavenly Father and stuff and my two year old suddently gets very, very talkative and over and over says "Jesus Christ. Amen." It's so cute but you have to wonder if she's getting anything out of it. Well, she probably is not, but my Mom has told me that you should just get in the habit of it. If they sit through FHE at a young age, then they are used to it and will sit through it in the coming years.

My friend gave me this idea to teach the Loaves and Fishes story at FHE with bread and goldfish crackers. I tried it last night and I think it was a fun visual.


Claire said...

That's a really cute idea for a FHE lesson. And since Celia loves goldfish and "bread rolls" {as she calls any piece of bread} I bet she'd love it. Thanks for the idea!

Bethany said...

Thats a cute idea. My boys would love it!

Tiffany said...

That's very cute. :)