Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Awesome Parenting {and life!} Motto

I've recently started doing a little freelance writing for a parenting site, and as I was reading through some of the posts by other writers I came across this piece of advice, which the author said was some of the best parenting advice she ever received...

If something will matter 1 month from now, feel free to get upset about it. Otherwise, try laughing.

As I read it, I decided this is a piece of advice I want to take to heart. I tend to get pretty caught up in keeping my daughter's clothes stain free, or wanting to keep my home and life so organized that I find myself getting stressed over things that aren't important, that a month from now, I won't even remember. So I'm adopting this as my new motto and thought it was definitely worth sharing. Its probably not a new idea to a lot of you, but it was a light bulb moment for me!

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