Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine's Dinner Ideas

I'm thinking about making an "All Red Food" Valentine's dinner this year. Have any of you done this before? What kind of menu (kid-friendly) did you plan that worked for you?


Claire said...

I've never done all red, but what I usually do is get a bag of heart shaped pasta {I found it at Costplus World Market, the hearts are white and pink}. I cook up the pasta then add it to a can of tomato soup. Then I cut heart shapes out of bread and broil it in the oven with a little cheese on top. I think all red would be fun... I just hate to imagine what my daughter's diaper would look like the next day! {Sorry about the TMI!}

Liz said...

hmmm... i've never done it either. but things that come to mind:
tomato basil soup (pinkish-red)
anything with marinara! chicken parmesan, spaghetti, ravioli, stuff like that
berry salad

Linz said...

I just made red and white kabobs for a Valentine's party out of cheese and strawberries, grapes, and raspberries. They looked beautiful and kids devoured them.

Tati said...

We like making heart BBQ chicken pizza. I think it's yummy and the kids like it too. These are great ideas!