Thursday, June 19, 2008

Biggest Loser Challenge: Push ups!

Alright ladies!!! How did the 10% challenge go? Who did it?

I have a confession - last week was so busy I didn't even remember I issued the challenge until Sunday. Nice. After that, I tried to cut my calorie intake by 10%. That meant eliminating an extra 150 calories a day. I'll just say that I love those 150 calories. They were hard to give up.

This week's challenge is to do push ups. I learned this at an aerobics class we had at my church building. Instead of doing them on the floor, we did them against the stage. Stand away from the stage about 3 feet (maybe less for shorter people), place hands a little more than shoulder width apart on the edge of the stage. Do pushups - your chest should almost touch the stage as you lower. Do 3 sets of 10. The further out your feet are from the stage, the more difficult the push up.

I thought this was a great way to do push ups. For some reason it is less intimidating than a floor push up. It was easier for me to have correct form (make sure your bum isn't sticking high in the air! You should keep your body as straight as possible).

So the challenge is this: when you are in the kitchen, waiting for water to boil, food to warm up in the microwave, whatever, do these push ups against your kitchen counter. Really try and push yourself (hahaha, no pun intended) - don't just do one or two, but try at least 5 at a time. Do these throughout the day, when you are in the kitchen.

Report back next week. CAN WE PUSH IT??? YES, WE CAN!!!


Julianne said...

For my 10% I increased my exercise. I know I told you guys I'd report back about the Wii Fit. I LOVE IT!! It makes working out fun and interactive, and in the summer heat I can stay in my air conditioned house. My kids love it, too. Even my 3 yr old will play it. It's GREAT!!

Claire said...

I actually did decent with my 10% goal... with the exception of one night, I went to bed at least an hour earlier than normal. One night I even made it to bed like, 3 hours earlier than normal. This is huge for me. I'm such a night owl.